Chisarudzo Log 01/2022 - Kubvumidzwa kweTreasury Management uye Capital Strategies

Decision Log reference: 01/2022
Author: Kelvin Menon



The PCC is asked to approve the attached Capital and Treasury Strategies as agreed at the Joint Audit Committee meeting on 26 January 2022.


PCC ine mutoro wepamutemo wezvinhu zvese zveForce/OPCC. Izvi hazvingosanganisire zvinhu zvenyama chete asi zvakare Treasury investment uye kukwereta. Mazano maviri aya anoratidza kuti nzvimbo idzi dzichafambiswa sei maererano nehutongi.


It is recommended that the PCC approve the Capital and Treasury Strategies and that they be placed on the OPCC website.

Mvumo yeMapurisa neMhosva

Ndinobvumira (ma) mazano:

Signed: Lisa Townsend, Mapurisa uye Mhosva Commissioner for Surrey

Zuva: 27/01/2022