19/2023 - Kuchaja mutemo wemapurisa masevhisi 2023/24

Munyori uye Basa Rebasa Kelvin Menon – Chief Finance Officer

Kudzivirira Kumaka:  ZVEMAHARA 

Kubvumirana nePolicies, sezvakakurudzirwa neNPCC, pamhosva dzeMapurisa Services ku3rd parties and also rates for Mutual Aid 

The ability to charge for police services is generally determined by statutory provisions. This guidance covers four main areas:  

  • Kupihwa kweSpecial Police Services pakukumbira kwechero munhu pasi peChikamu 25 cheMutemo wePolice 1996 (seyakagadziriswa) inoita kuti masevhisi akadaro ave pasi pekubhadharwa kwemhosva sezvakatemwa nePCC. Masevhisi emapurisa akakosha anowanzo enderana nechiitiko chemapurisa, semuenzaniso, konzati yepop, kana nhevedzano yezviitiko, semuenzaniso, mitambo yenhabvu.  

  • Section 26 ye1996 Act inoshandisa zvinodiwa zvakafanana pakupihwa kwemabasa echipurisa pamusoro asi inoshanda kwainounzwa mhiri kwemakungwa.  

  • Chikamu 15 chePolice Reform uye Social Responsibility Act 2011 chinotambanudzira kuPCC masimba eLocal Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970 kupa zvinhu nemasevhisi kune mamwe masangano kana vanhu. Izvi zvinogona kusanganisira masevhisi anopihwa mukukwikwidzana nevamwe vanopa, semuenzaniso, kudzidziswa kana kugadzirisa mota, uko miripo icharatidza mutengo wemusika, kana masevhisi sechigadzirwa chebasa remapurisa sekupa marepoti ekudhumhana. 

  • Kupihwa kwemabasa emapurisa kune mamwe masangano akadai seHome Office Immigration Enforcement (HOIE) kana HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).  

The charges have been determined by the NPCC based on an analysis of costs to provide these services so as to ensure that the public are fully reimbursed for any services provided. This has recently been updated to take account of the 2023/24 pay increase. 

Kubvumira zvinotevera: 

  1. NPCC National Policy on Charging for Police Services 
  1. NPCC National Policing Guidelines on Charging for Police Services: Mutual Aid cost recovery

Ndinobvumira (ma) mazano: 

Chiratidzo: Mapurisa uye Komisheni weMhosva Lisa Townsend (yakanyorova yakasainwa kopi yakabatwa muOPCC) 

Zuva: 23/11/2023 

Zvisarudzo zvese zvinofanirwa kuwedzerwa kurejista yesarudzo. 



Zvinokonzerwa nezvemari 

The NPCC has ensures that any charges levied cover all the costs of supplying the service thereby not disadvantaging the public purse.  It also ensures that all charges charge the same rather than competing with each other. 

zviri pamutemo 

The ability for Forces to charge is set out in statute as explained above 


If the Policy is not approved it could be that charges may not be legal 

Kuenzana uye kusiyana-siyana 


Ngozi kukodzero dzevanhu 
