Sarudzo 06/2023 - Kubvumidzwa kweTreasury Management uye MRP Chirevo uye Capital Strategy ye2023/24

Munyori uye Basa Rebasa:      Kelvin Menon

Kudzivirira Kumaka:         ZVEMAHARA

Executive Summary:

The PCC is asked to approve the Treasury Management and MRP Statement and the Capital Strategy agreed at the Joint Audit Committee meeting on the 25th April 2023.


PCC ine mutoro wepamutemo wezvinhu zvese zveForce/OPCC. Izvi hazvingosanganisire zvinhu zvenyama chete asi zvakare Treasury investment uye kukwereta. Mazano maviri aya anoratidza kuti nzvimbo idzi dzichafambiswa sei maererano nehutongi.


It is recommended that the PCC approves the Treasury and MRP Statement the Capital Strategy and that they be placed on the website.

Mvumo yeMapurisa neMhosva

Ndinobvumira (ma) mazano:

Chiratidzo: PCC Lisa Townsend (yakanyorova yakasaina kopi yakabatwa muOPCC)

Zuva: 16 May 2023

Zvisarudzo zvese zvinofanirwa kuwedzerwa kurejista yesarudzo.

Nzvimbo dzekufunga


The JAC has been consulted on these papers.

Zvinokonzerwa nezvemari

These are taken account of in the statements.

zviri pamutemo

Mapepa anoenderana nePrudential kodhi.


Icho chinodiwa cheiyo prudential kodhi kubvumidza Treasury, MRP uye Capital zano.

Kuenzana uye kusiyana-siyana

Hapana zvazvinoreva

Ngozi kukodzero dzevanhu

Hapana zvazvinoreva