Decision 62/2022 – East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service (ESDAS): Survivor Resources

Avtor in delovna vloga: Louise Andrews, Violence Against Women and Girls Policy and Commissioning Officer

Zaščitna oznaka:  URADNO


Police & Crime Commissioners have the statutory responsibility to provide services to support victims to cope and recover.


This funding would enable ESDAS to provide resources to Domestic Abuse survivors to help them cope and recover from the trauma they have experienced. The survivor resources will include equipment and services.


The grant of £726.46 is awarded to ESDAS for survivor resources.

Odobritev policijskega in kriminalističnega pooblaščenca

Strinjam se s priporočili:

Podpis: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at Commissioner’s Office)

Datum: 01/03/2023

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