Sklep 49/2022 – Služba za zlorabo v družini East Surrey (ESDAS)

Avtor in delovna vloga: Lucy Thomas, vodja naročanja in politike za storitve žrtvam

Zaščitna oznaka:  URADNO


Allocated of additional funds from the Ministry of Justice ‘COVID-19 Critical Support Fund’


The funding is intended to help organisations mitigate against the impact of COVID-19 and can therefore be used to support core costs to support victims of domestic abuse.


£17,509.99 to be awarded to ESDAS to be shared with the providers that make up the formally commissioned domestic abuse outreach service.

Odobritev policijskega in kriminalističnega pooblaščenca

Strinjam se s priporočili:

Podpis: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (Wet signed copy held at PCC’s office)

Datum: 20 december 2022

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