Denník rozhodnutí 033/2021 – Likvidácia prebytočnej pôdy v Milforde

Policajný a kriminálny komisár pre Surrey – záznam o rozhodovaní

Report Title: Disposal of surplus land in Milford

Číslo rozhodnutia: 33/2021

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – CFO OPCC Surrey

Ochranné označenie: OFICIÁLNE


To give permission for the marketing and sale of land to the rear of 1 to 3 Old Elstead Road, Milford, Surrey.


Following a strategic review of the Force’s estates portfolio it has been determined that this land is surplus to requirements and should be disposed of. The Capital receipt this generates can then be used to fund improvements to the Force’s other properties.

The land will be marketed with agents to ensure that best value for the disposal is achieved


It is recommended that the PCC gives approval for the marketing and sale of land to the rear of 1 to 3 Old Elstead Road, Milford, Surrey

Schválenie policajného a kriminálneho komisára

Schvaľujem odporúčanie:

Podpis: mokrá kópia podpisu dostupná v OPCC

Dátum: 19. júla 2021

Všetky rozhodnutia musia byť vložené do registra rozhodnutí.

Oblasti posudzovania



Finančné dôsledky

The Capital receipt can be used on the rest of the Force’s estate


Legal advice will be taken in respect of the disposal of the property


The property may not sell in which case it will be retained

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