Protokol rozhodnutí 002/2021 – Žiadosť o fond na zníženie recidívy – január 2021

Názov správy: Reducing Re offending Fund (RRF) Application January 2021

Číslo rozhodnutia: 002/2021

Autor a pracovná úloha: Craig Jones – vedúci pre politiku a uvedenie do prevádzky pre CJ

Ochranné označenie: OFICIÁLNE


For 2020/21 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £266,667 of funding to reduce re offending in Surrey.


In January 2021 the following organisation submitted an application to the RRF for consideration;

The Twinning Project - Reducing Re offending in Surrey - požadovaná suma 5000 XNUMX libier

The overall aim of this project is to engage approximately 50 prisoners per year in each of the 114 prisons in England and Wales in football-based programmes to improve their skills and employability whilst simultaneous improving their mental, physical health and all-round wellbeing. This will enable them to obtain a recognised qualification either in coaching or refereeing which will help improve their life chances and gain employment. Ultimately, this will almost certainly lead to a reduction in re offending and improve life changes.


Policajný a kriminálny komisár udelí požadovanú sumu vyššie uvedenej organizácii spolu £5000

Schválenie policajného a kriminálneho komisára

Schvaľujem odporúčanie:

Podpis: David Munro (mokrý podpis je k dispozícii na tlačenej kópii)

Dátum: 22 / 01 / 2021