Rozhodnutie 03/2023 – Dohoda o spolupráci podľa oddielu 22A – Forenzná kolízna vyšetrovacia sieť (FCIN)

Autor a pracovná úloha: Alison Bolton, generálna riaditeľka

Ochranné označenie: OFICIÁLNE


The Commissioner, together with the Chief Constable, is asked to sign an amended Section 22A Collaboration Agreement as a member of the Forensic Collision Investigation Network (FCIN).  A variation is to the current S22A is needed because the Target Operating Model has been revised after recommendations from UKAS (the UK Accreditation Service).

The purpose of FCIN is to develop the underpinning science that is used by collision investigators in defining the evidence presented into the criminal justice system. It supports Forces in building the capabilities required to meet the Forensic Science Regulator codes and standards and fundamentally become accredited by UKAS within ISO standards. It aims to facilitate achievement of UKAS accreditation for all Member Forces in England and Wales and thereafter support the maintenance of this accreditation.


That the Commissioner signs the Section 22A Agreement.

Schválenie policajného a kriminálneho komisára

Schvaľujem odporúčanie:

podpis: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (wet signed copy held at PCC office)

Dátum: 28 2023 apríla

Všetky rozhodnutia musia byť vložené do registra rozhodnutí.

Oblasti posudzovania


The Agreement has been subject to extensive national consultation via the APCC and now reflects the majority view.  Locally, the Agreement has the support of the ACC Operations for Surrey and Sussex.

Finančné dôsledky

Costings for 23/24 are £52,571 (apportionment of 1.90%) for Surrey.


The Agreement has been legally reviewed.


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