فيصلي لاگ 015/2022 - خزاني جي انتظام ۽ سرمائي واري حڪمت عملي جي منظوري

سري لاءِ پوليس ۽ ڏوهن جو ڪمشنر - فيصلو ڪرڻ جو رڪارڊ

Report Title Approval of Treasury Management and Capital Strategies
فيصلو نمبر: 2022/015
Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon
حفاظتي نشان: سرڪاري

ايگزيڪيوٽو خلاصو:

The PCC is asked to approve the attached Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2022/23 and the Capital Strategy as agreed at the JAC meeting on the 27th April 2022

پس منظر
The PCC has legal responsibility for all the Force/OPCC assets. This not only includes physical assets but also Treasury investment and borrowing.

The first document sets out the Treasury Management Strategy for 2022/23. In includes how investment and borrowing will be managed including the Governance around this. It also sets out the Treasury Management practices for 2022-2026, the Prudential Indicators for 2022/23 and the Minimum Revenue Police for 2022/23.

The second document sets out the revised Capital Strategy for 2022/23 to 2026/27. This sets out how Capital Expenditure decisions are made, the Governance around it and the reporting requirements.

It is RECOMMENDED that the PCC approves the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2022/23 and the Capital Strategy 2022/23 – 2026/27 and that they be placed on the OPCC website

پوليس ۽ ڪرائم ڪمشنر جي منظوري

مان سفارش (سفارشون) کي منظور ڪريان ٿو:

دستخط: پي سي سي ليزا ٽائونسينڊ (او پي سي سي ۾ رکيل گلي دستخط ڪاپي)
تاريخ: 11 / 05 / 22

سڀ فيصلا فيصلا رجسٽر ۾ شامل ڪيا وڃن.
غور جي علائقن

The Joint Audit Committee has been consulted on the documents

مالي اثر
No direct financial implications in terms of budgets etc.

The documents are required in order to comply with the Prudential Code.

Risks have been addressed within the annexes.

مساوات ۽ تنوع
No particular impacts

انساني حقن لاءِ خطرو
No particular impacts