Решение 50/2022 – Независимый консультант по вопросам сексуального насилия над детьми Партнерства Суррей и Бордерс (CISVA)

Автор и должность: Люси Томас, руководитель отдела ввода в эксплуатацию и политики службы помощи жертвам

Защитная маркировка:  ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ

Управляющее резюме:

This funding is being provided under the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) additional investment in the recruitment of additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA).

проверка данных

To award funding for the provision of Child Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (CISVA) to provide a service to all children and young people in Surrey. Sexual violence of any kind is a traumatic experience and for children and young people can have dramatic repercussions for the rest of their lives. In addition to group and individual therapy to help their recovery, children, young people and their families need practical support in the aftermath of any incident and through any court proceedings. This can be a stressful experience as it may involve a re-telling of the traumatic incident. The CISVA is focused on this practical, supportive role, acting as an independent advocate for the child/young person and providing support for historic and recent allegations.


The posts will work with the Surrey’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), known as Solace. Under-18s account for approximately one third of all cases seen at the SARC. The Police and Crime Commissioner to approve £62,146 To meet the costs of one CISVA.

Одобрение комиссара полиции и по борьбе с преступностью

Я одобряю рекомендацию(и):

Подпись: Лиза Таунсенд, комиссар полиции и преступности Суррея (копия с мокрой подписью хранится в офисе PCC)

Дата: 20 декабря 2022

Все решения должны быть добавлены в реестр решений.

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