Comitetul mixt de audit – 26 ianuarie 2023

Reuniunea Comitetul mixt de audit of Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and Surrey Police will take place from 14:00-17:00 via MS Teams.

Președintele Comitetului este Patrick Molineux.


Reports from the Joint Audit Committee have been provided as word .odt files for accessibility. Please contact us if you would like to receive any of the below files in a different format.

Part One – In public

The below files will download to a folder on your device:

  1. Scuze pentru absență

  2. Comentarii de bun venit și chestiuni urgente

  3. Declaratie de Interese

  4. minute and action tracker from the last meeting 17 October 2022

  5. A.) Internal Audit Update Report 2022-23 – cover sheet
    b.) Internal Audit Update Report 2022-23

  6. a.) External Audit Results Report 2021/22 – Verbal update
    b.) External Audit Fees 2023/24

  7. Health and Safety Update Report
    A.) Appendix 1 DRAFT Health and Safety Policy 2023-2024
    b.) Appendix 2 DRAFT People Safety Working Time Regulations
    c.) Appendix 3 Strategic Health and Safety Threat Log
    d.) Appendix 4 Health and Safety Stats Q2 2021-22
    e.) Appendix 5 Health and Safety Stats Q3 2021-22
    f.) Appendix 6 Health and Safety Stats Q4 2021-22

  8. Review governance and assurance arrangements for significant partnerships, collaboration and sponsorship arrangements – Verbal update

  9. Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Committee

  10. Treasury Management Mid-Year Report

Part two – in private

Această sesiune include o actualizare a problemelor și riscurilor cheie de la ultima întâlnire a comisarului de poliție și criminalitate și a șefului polițist, evaluări interne de risc și rapoarte care nu sunt potrivite pentru publicare.