Jurnalul Deciziei 016/2021 – Atribuire Contract Antreprenorului de Lucrări de Construcții pentru Noul Sediu Leatherhead

Comisar de poliție și criminalitate pentru Surrey – Înregistrare privind luarea deciziilor

Report Title: Awarding of contract to Building Works Contractor for New Leatherhead Headquarters

Numărul deciziei: 016/2021

Autor și rol: Kelvin Menon – Trezorier OPCC

Marcaj de protecție: OFICIAL


To approve the award of the contract for Building Works for the new Headquarters to ISG Limited.


The Force are looking to relocate to a new purpose built headquarters in Leatherhead in 2026. A procurement was undertaken using the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Framework for Major Works, of which Surrey Police is a party, to procure a developer for the site.

Five companies took part in a mini competition and were scored on price and quality. The process was managed by the Force procurement department. As a result of this exercise ISG have been awarded the contract as having achieved the highest score.

The decision to appoint was ratified at the Building the Future Board on the 19th Martie 2021.


On the recommendation of the Building the Future Board the PCC is requested to sign the contract award certification to award the contract to ISG Limited

Aprobarea comisarului de poliție și criminalitate

Sunt de acord cu recomandarea (recomandările):

Signature: David Munro (wet signature copy held in the OPCC)

Data: 22/03/2021

Toate deciziile trebuie adăugate în registrul de decizii.

Domenii de luat în considerare


Nici unul

Implicații financiare

The costs of the contract have been included in the financial model for the new HQ


Documentația contractului va fi prezentată în timp util


There is a risk of challenge from unsuccessful contractors

Egalitate și diversitate

Nici unul.

Riscuri pentru drepturile omului

Nici unul