

When I was elected in May 2021, I promised to keep the views of residents at the heart of my plans for policing in Surrey.

Over the last year, I’ve been out and about in our communities to hear your views and concerns in local meetings and through my regular surgery sessions available to residents. My Deputy Commissioner and I have engaged with a wide variety of partners, the public and members of Surrey Police on the beat and during special operations, at events and training days, at clubs, in prisons, on farms and in a variety of other places too.

During the winter, I consulted with you again on the amount that you would be prepared to pay from your council tax to support Surrey Police – receiving over 3,000 responses and 1,600 comments that will continue to shape the service you receive. Earlier in the year, my office also supported the consultation by Surrey Police on 101 performance.

My team have continued to update people with my latest news, attracting many new followers on social media and introducing a brand-new newsletter that includes more information on what my office has been up to each month.

I’ve been regularly featured by local and national media, speaking on the key issues that affect our communities such as trust in policing, violence against women and girls and the policing of protests that have used illegal means to disrupt everyday life.

My team has also worked hard to make the information about my role and the work of the office easier to find and understand, with a complete redesign of the website. Created to be more accessible, the website can now be translated into over 200 languages and adjusted for a variety of needs.

Últimas notícias

Lisa Townsend elogia a abordagem policial de 'volta ao básico' ao ganhar o segundo mandato como Comissária de Polícia e Crime de Surrey

Comissária de Polícia e Crime, Lisa Townsend

Lisa prometeu continuar apoiando o foco renovado da Polícia de Surrey nas questões que mais importam para os residentes.

Policiando sua comunidade – O comissário diz que as equipes policiais estão lutando contra as gangues de traficantes depois de se juntarem à repressão nas fronteiras do condado

A Comissária da Polícia e do Crime, Lisa Townsend, observa da porta da frente enquanto os policiais de Surrey executam um mandado em uma propriedade ligada a um possível tráfico de drogas no condado.

A semana de ação envia uma mensagem forte às gangues do condado de que a polícia continuará a desmantelar suas redes em Surrey.

Repressão de um milhão de libras ao comportamento anti-social enquanto o Comissário recebe financiamento para patrulhas em pontos de acesso

Comissário de Polícia e Crime caminhando por um túnel coberto de graffiti com dois policiais do sexo masculino da equipe local em Spelthorne

A comissária Lisa Townsend disse que o dinheiro ajudará a aumentar a presença e visibilidade da polícia em Surrey.