Chigamulo 23/2022 - Kuchepetsa Kugwiritsa Ntchito Ndalama Zowonongekanso - Julayi 2022

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey - Decision Making Record

Reducing Reoffending Fund Application – July 2022

Nambala yosankha: 023/2022

Wolemba ndi Udindo wa Ntchito: Craig Jones, Policy and Commissioning Lead for Criminal Justice

Chizindikiro Choteteza: Official

Chidule cha akuluakulu:

Kwa 2022/23 a Police and Crime Commissioner apereka ndalama zokwana £ 270,000 kuti achepetse kulakwanso ku Surrey.

Application for Standard Grant Award over £5,000 – Reducing Reoffending Fund

The Skill Mill – Contextual Safeguarding in Surrey – David Parks

Chidule chachidule cha ntchito/chigamulo – To award £20,000 to The Skill Mill, a social enterprise which provides employment opportunities for young people aged between sixteen and eighteen. Skill Mill employ only ex-offenders, actively reducing reoffending whilst increasing engagement, participation, employability, and educational levels of young people.

Chifukwa chandalama – 1) The Skill Mill reoffending rate is just 8%, compared to a counter factual of 72% for young offenders with 11+ convictions. 2) Employment on the scheme provides a structured environment where the combination of drugs and alcohol are not acceptable. As such the ongoing work provides an opportunity for reduced drug and alcohol intake leading to direct benefits for the individuals concerned with positive follow-on impacts to their communities.


That the Commissioner supports this standard grant application to the reducing Reoffending Fund and awards to the following;

  • £20000 to The Skill Mill to deliver the Contextual Safeguarding in Surrey project

Kuvomerezeka kwa Police ndi Crime Commissioner

Ndikuvomereza (ma) malingaliro:

Siginecha: PCC Lisa Townsend (kope lonyowa lomwe lidasainidwa ku OPCC)

Tsiku: Julayi 15, 2022

Zosankha zonse ziyenera kuwonjezeredwa ku kaundula wa zigamulo.

Mbali zoganizira


Kukambirana kwachitika ndi otsogolera oyenerera malingana ndi ntchitoyo. Mapulogalamu onse afunsidwa kuti apereke umboni wa zokambirana zilizonse komanso kuchitapo kanthu kwa anthu.

Zotsatira zandalama

Mapulogalamu onse afunsidwa kuti atsimikizire kuti bungwe lili ndi chidziwitso cholondola chandalama. Afunsidwanso kuti aphatikizepo ndalama zonse za polojekitiyi ndi kuwonongeka komwe ndalama zidzagwiritsidwa ntchito; ndalama zina zowonjezera zomwe zapezedwa kapena zofunsira ndi mapulani andalama zomwe zikupitilira. Akuluakulu a ndondomeko ya Reducing Reoffening Fund Decision Panel/Criminal Justice amaganizira za kuopsa kwachuma ndi mwayi poyang'ana ntchito iliyonse.


Upangiri wamalamulo umatengedwa pofunsira pofunsira.


Bungwe la Reducing Reoffing Re offening Fund Decision Panel and Criminal Justice policy officer amaona zoopsa zilizonse pakugawa ndalama. Ndi gawo la ndondomeko yoganizira pamene mukukana pempho kuopsa kopereka chithandizo ngati kuli koyenera.

Kufanana ndi kusiyana

Ntchito iliyonse idzafunsidwa kuti ipereke zidziwitso zoyenera zokhudzana ndi kusiyanasiyana monga gawo lazowunikira. Onse olembetsa akuyembekezeka kutsatira Equality Act 2010

Kuopsa kwa ufulu wa anthu

Ntchito iliyonse idzafunsidwa kuti ipereke zidziwitso zoyenera zaufulu wa anthu monga gawo lazowunikira. Onse ofunsira akuyembekezeka kutsatira lamulo la Human Rights Act.