19/2023 - Kulipiritsa mfundo za apolisi 2023/24

Wolemba ndi Udindo wa Ntchito Kelvin Menon - Chief Finance Officer

Chizindikiro Choteteza:  WOLEMBEDWA 

Kuvomerezana ndi Ndondomeko, monga momwe NPCC yalimbikitsira, pamilandu ya Police Services ku 3rd parties and also rates for Mutual Aid 

The ability to charge for police services is generally determined by statutory provisions. This guidance covers four main areas:  

  • Kupereka kwa Special Police Services pa pempho la munthu aliyense pansi pa Gawo 25 la Police Act 1996 (monga kusinthidwa) komwe kumapangitsa kuti ntchitozo zikhale zolipiridwa ndi zolipiritsa monga zatsimikiziridwa ndi PCC. Ntchito za apolisi zapadera nthawi zambiri zimagwirizana ndi zochitika zapolisi, mwachitsanzo, konsati ya pop, kapena zochitika zingapo, mwachitsanzo, masewera a mpira.  

  • Ndime 26 ya Lamulo la 1996 imagwiranso ntchito zomwezo pakuperekedwa kwa ntchito zapolisi pamwambapa koma zimagwiranso ntchito komwe zimaperekedwa kunja kwa nyanja.  

  • Gawo 15 la Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 limafikira ma PCCs mphamvu za Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970 kupereka katundu ndi ntchito ku mabungwe ena kapena anthu. Izi zingaphatikizepo ntchito zoperekedwa mopikisana ndi ena opereka chithandizo, mwachitsanzo, maphunziro kapena kukonza magalimoto, pomwe zolipiritsa zidzawonetsa mitengo yamisika, kapena ntchito zongobwera chifukwa cha zochitika zazikulu za apolisi monga kupereka malipoti a ngozi. 

  • Kupereka chithandizo cha apolisi ku mabungwe ena monga Home Office Immigration Enforcement (HOIE) kapena HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).  

The charges have been determined by the NPCC based on an analysis of costs to provide these services so as to ensure that the public are fully reimbursed for any services provided. This has recently been updated to take account of the 2023/24 pay increase. 

Kuvomereza zotsatirazi: 

  1. NPCC National Policy on Charging for Police Services 
  1. NPCC National Policing Guidelines on Charging for Police Services: Mutual Aid cost recovery

Ndikuvomereza (ma) malingaliro: 

siginecha: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (kope lonyowa lomwe lidasainidwa ku OPCC) 

tsiku: 23/11/2023 

Zosankha zonse ziyenera kuwonjezeredwa ku kaundula wa zigamulo. 



Zotsatira zandalama 

The NPCC has ensures that any charges levied cover all the costs of supplying the service thereby not disadvantaging the public purse.  It also ensures that all charges charge the same rather than competing with each other. 


The ability for Forces to charge is set out in statute as explained above 


If the Policy is not approved it could be that charges may not be legal 

Kufanana ndi kusiyana 


Kuopsa kwa ufulu wa anthu 
