Chigamulo 06/2023 - Kuvomerezeka kwa Treasury Management ndi MRP Statement ndi Capital Strategy ya 2023/24

Wolemba ndi Udindo wa Ntchito:      Kelvin Menon

Chizindikiro Choteteza:         WOLEMBEDWA

Chidule cha akuluakulu:

The PCC is asked to approve the Treasury Management and MRP Statement and the Capital Strategy agreed at the Joint Audit Committee meeting on the 25th April 2023.


PCC ili ndi udindo pazamalamulo pazinthu zonse za Force/OPCC. Izi sizikuphatikizanso zinthu zakuthupi komanso ndalama za Treasury ndi kubwereketsa. Njira ziwirizi zikufotokozera momwe maderawa adzayendetsedwe ndi Ulamuliro.


It is recommended that the PCC approves the Treasury and MRP Statement the Capital Strategy and that they be placed on the website.

Kuvomerezeka kwa Police ndi Crime Commissioner

Ndikuvomereza (ma) malingaliro:

siginecha: PCC Lisa Townsend (kope lonyowa losaina lomwe linachitikira ku OPCC)

tsiku: 16 May 2023

Zosankha zonse ziyenera kuwonjezeredwa ku kaundula wa zigamulo.

Mbali zoganizira


The JAC has been consulted on these papers.

Zotsatira zandalama

These are taken account of in the statements.


Mapepalawa amagwirizana ndi Prudential code.


Ndikofunikira kwa code yanzeru kuti ivomereze Treasury, MRP ndi Capital strategy.

Kufanana ndi kusiyana

Palibe zotsatira

Kuopsa kwa ufulu wa anthu

Palibe zotsatira