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The Oath of Office is signed by every Commissioner before assuming their duties upon election. Below is the Oath of Office signed by Commissioner Lisa Townsend in May 2021. Kontakt to request to see the signed copy of the Oath.

I, Lisa Townsend of Surrey, do hereby declare that I accept the office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey.

In making this declaration, I solemnly and sincerely promise that during my term of office:

  • I will serve all the people in Surrey in the office of Police and Crime Commissioner;
  • I will act with integrity and diligence in my role and, to the best of my ability, will execute the duties of my office to ensure that the police are able to cut crime and protect the public;
  • I will give a voice to the public, especially victims of crime, and work with other services to ensure the safety of the community and effective criminal justice;
  • I will take all steps within my power to ensure transparency of my decisions, so that I may be properly held to account by the public;
  • I will not interfere with the operational independence of police officers.

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Siste nytt

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Politi- og kriminalkommissær Lisa Townsend satt sammen med et medlem av Surrey Polices kontaktpersonell

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