Pjan tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità

Ħidma ma 'msieħba

Working in partnership is integral to cutting crime and making our communities safer as well as improving the wellbeing of residents.

At the heart of this Plan is the aspiration to develop relationships with communities, businesses and our partners who share a vision to make Surrey safer by looking at the bigger picture and recognising that prevention and early intervention is crucial. I have spoken to a wide range of partners in developing this Plan and have aimed to ensure that it fits with the key partnership strategies already in place in Surrey.


Surrey Police has a strong history of collaboration with other police forces, most notably with Sussex Police. Several operational policing areas have collaborated teams, as well as much of our back-office services. This allows smaller, specialist units to come together to share resources and expertise, facilitates joint training and operating models, improves the policing of criminals operating across borders and helps drive out efficiencies and savings. Collaborated operational areas include firearms, the dogs unit, public order, roads policing, homicide and major crime, serious and organised crime, forensic investigations, surveillance, cyber-crime and economic crime.

In order to make savings and reduce management costs, most of the support services for the two forces are also collaborated, including people services, information technology, finance, estates and fleet. Surrey Police also collaborates regionally with Hampshire, Kent, Sussex and Thames Valley on reducing serious and organised crime and on counter-terrorism and sharing specialist police technology.

Working with Partners

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Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità Lisa Townsend

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