Prestazzjoni tal-kejl

Pulizija Surrey 2023-24

New Surrey Police officers with young female officer in smart uniform centre shot during their passing out parade.

Frontline policing protected in Surrey over the next year thanks to your contributions

This year’s increase of £15 in the policing element of your council tax based on Band D property means Surrey Police can continue to protect frontline services and take the fight to criminals in our communities.

The Force has been working really hard to recruit this year’s share of extra officers from the government’s national uplift programme.

Together with additional posts made possible by the amount you pay in council tax, that will mean over 300 extra officers will have been recruited into Surrey Police since 2019 which is
great news for residents.

Asking the public for more money during a cost of living crisis has been an incredibly difficult decision. But the Surrey Police budget is under considerable strain with huge pressure on pay, energy and fuel costs. No increase would have inevitably led to cuts which would ultimately affect the service to our residents.

Your council tax contributions are vital in sustaining police numbers across the county and helping provide our new recruits with the right support, training and development. This will mean we can get more officers on the streets in our communities as soon as we can, keeping people safe during these difficult times.

Lisa Townsend
Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għal Surrey

What will you pay for policing in 2023/2024

Where our money goes and comes from

£159.60 million or 56% of the budget of Surrey Police and our Office comes from the council tax amount you pay towards policing. This is just over half of the total budget.

£126.60 million or 44% of the budget comes from the Government. This is less than the total paid by tax payers in Surrey.

Supplies and Services£48.10£47.60
Operational Income- £ 16.50- £ 18.60
Gross Budget
Use of reserves
Government grant
Surplus from previous year
- £ 1.00
- £ 126.60
- £ 1.50
- £ 140.20
- £ 1.20
Taxxa tal-Kunsill
Number of equivalent Band D properties
Charge based on a Band D property



An average day for Surrey Police

The below text replaces a graphic included in our council tax leaflet sent to households in Surrey.

View the infographic as a pdf.

Here are just some of the demands that contribute to an average day for Surrey Police:

  • 450 emergency calls to 999
  • 690 calls to the 101 non-emergency number
  • 500 contacts online, including the Surrey Police website and live chat, social media channels and emails to Surrey Police
  • 51 incidents that include a repeat victim
  • 47 incidents of anti-social behaviour
  • 8 burglaries
  • 8 missing people
  • 42 incidents relating to mental health
  • 31 arrests are made
  • 128 incidents are allocated for investigation

The above incidents are some but not all of the demand on Surrey Police in a typical day. All figures are averages taken at the end of January 2023.

Pjan tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għal Surrey

il Pjan tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità outlines the areas that Surrey Police will focus on between 2021 and 2025. It includes the key areas of performance that I scrutinise in regular meetings with
the Chief Constable.

Informazzjoni dwar l-impjegat

Home Office figures show Surrey Police has grown by 333 police officers in the last four years thanks to your council tax contributions alongside the Government’s national uplift programme.

The Force now has a total of almost 4,200 officers and staff:

Uffiċjali tal-pulizija1,9301,9942,1142,1592,2632,263

Surrey’s volunteering programme includes a further 400 individuals volunteering as special constables, police support volunteers or police cadets. Collectively their dedication provides valuable support across policing teams.

Biex issir taf aktar ara

Collage of images of different Surrey Police officers and staff with a blue overlay. What if you joined us? Find out more about careers with Surrey Police.

Aħbarijiet Relatati

Lisa Townsend tilqa' l-approċċ tal-pulizija 'lura għall-affarijiet bażiċi' hekk kif tirbaħ it-tieni mandat bħala Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għal Surrey

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità Lisa Townsend

Lisa wegħdet li tkompli tappoġġja l-attenzjoni mġedda tal-Pulizija ta’ Surrey fuq il-kwistjonijiet li huma l-aktar importanti għar-residenti.

Pulizija tal-Komunità Tiegħek - Il-Kummissarju jgħid li t-timijiet tal-pulizija qed jieħdu l-ġlieda kontra l-gruppi tad-droga wara li ngħaqdu mar-ripressjoni tal-kontea

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità Lisa Townsend issegwi minn bieb ta’ barra hekk kif l-uffiċjali tal-Pulizija ta’ Surrey jeżegwixxu mandat fi proprjetà marbuta ma’ kummerċ possibbli tad-droga fil-linji tal-kontea.

Il-ġimgħa ta 'azzjoni tibgħat messaġġ qawwi lill-gruppi tal-linji tal-kontea li l-pulizija se tkompli tiżżarma n-netwerks tagħhom f'Surrey.

Trażżin ta’ miljun lira fuq imġieba antisoċjali hekk kif il-Kummissarju jirċievi fondi għal rondi hotspot

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għaddej minn mina mgħottija b'graffiti b'żewġ uffiċjali tal-pulizija rġiel mit-tim lokali fi Spelthorne

Il-Kummissarju Lisa Townsend qalet li l-flus se jgħinu biex tiżdied il-preżenza u l-viżibilità tal-pulizija madwar Surrey.