
Children and Young People Fund Criteria

This page outlines the criteria for receiving funding from the Commissioner’s Children and Young People Fund. Local organisations and public sector partners are invited to apply for grant funding to deliver specialist services that:

  • Protect children or young people from harm;
  • Provide victim support to children or young people;
  • Promote and help improve community safety in Surrey;
  • Are aligned with one or more of the below priorities in the Commissioner’s Pjan tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità:

    – Reducing violence against women and girls
    – Protecting people from harm
    – Working with Surrey communities so that they feel safe
    – Strengthening relationships between Police and residents
    – Ensuring safer Surrey Roads
  • Are free of charge;
  • Are non-discriminatory (including being available to all regardless of residence status, nationality or citizenship).

Grant applications should also show:

  • Clear timescales
  • A baseline position and intended outcomes (with measures)
  • What additional resources (people or money) are available from partners to complement any awarded resources by the Police and Crime Commissioner
  • If this is a one off project or not. If the bid looks for pump priming the bid should show how funding will be sustained beyond the initial funding period
  • Be consistent with the best practice principles of the Surrey Compact (where working with Voluntary, Community and Faith groups)
  • Clear performance management processes

Organisations applying for grant funding may be asked to provide:

  • Copies of any relevant data protection policies
  • Copies of any relevant safeguarding policies
  • A copy of the organisation’s most recent financial accounts or annual report.

Monitoraġġ u valutazzjoni 13

When an application is successful, our office will draw up a Funding Agreement setting out the agreed level of funding and delivery expectations, including specific outcomes and timeframes.

The Funding Agreement will also specify performance reporting requirements. Funding will only be released once both sides have signed the document.

Ritorn lejn tagħna Apply for Funding page.

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