Deċiżjoni Log 006/2022 – Finanzjament għall-Provvista ta’ Servizzi ta’ Appoġġ Lokali

Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għal Surrey – Rekord tat-Teħid tad-Deċiżjonijiet

Finanzjament għall-provvista ta’ servizzi ta’ appoġġ lokali

Numru tad-deċiżjoni: 006/2022

Awtur u Rwol tax-Xogħol: Damian Markland, Mexxej tal-Politika u l-Kummissjonar għas-Servizzi tal-Vittmi

Immarkar Protettiv: Uffiċjali

  • sommarju

Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għal Surrey huwa responsabbli biex jikkummissjona servizzi li jappoġġjaw lill-vittmi tal-kriminalità, itejbu s-sikurezza tal-komunità, jindirizzaw l-isfruttament tat-tfal u jipprevjenu reati. Aħna noperaw għadd ta’ flussi ta’ finanzjament differenti u nistiednu regolarment organizzazzjonijiet biex japplikaw għal finanzjament ta’ għotja biex nappoġġaw l-għanijiet ta’ hawn fuq.

Għas-sena finanzjarja 2021/22 l-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità uża proporzjon ta’ finanzjament derivat lokalment biex jappoġġja t-twassil ta’ servizzi lokali. B'kollox saru disponibbli fondi addizzjonali ta' £650,000 għal dan il-għan, u dan id-dokument jistabbilixxi allokazzjonijiet minn dan il-baġit.

  • Ftehim ta' Finanzjament Standard

2.1 Servizz: Transition Fund

Fornitur: Is-Santwarju Tiegħek

Għotja: £10,000

sommarju: When families arrive at a domestic abuse refuge they have few or no possessions, having left their homes when the opportunity to escape arises. This funding enables the refuge to provide essential items for the families when they arrive. These items can be taken with the families when they resettle, providing a good start for what is needed in their new homes.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.2 Servizz: Transition Fund

Fornitur: Reigate and Banstead Women’s Aid

Għotja: £10,000

sommarju: When families arrive at a domestic abuse refuge they have few or no possessions, having left their homes when the opportunity to escape arises. This funding enables the refuge to provide essential items for the families when they arrive. These items can be taken with the families when they resettle, providing a good start for what is needed in their new homes.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.3 Servizz: North Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Advocate Post

Fornitur: Servizz ta' Abbuż Domestiku ta' North Surrey

Għotja: £42,000

sommarju: This DA Specialist works alongside police teams to provide an enhanced level of support to survivors of domestic abuse, whilst supporting the professional development of officers and staff to ensure that the needs of victims are met.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.4 Servizz: Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Advocate Post Expansion

Fornitur: Servizz ta' Abbuż Domestiku ta' East Surrey (ESDAS)

Għotja: £84,000

sommarju: To expand the role detailed in section 2.3 into the remaining two police divisions. These two DA Specialists will work alongside police teams to provide an enhanced level of support to survivors of domestic abuse, whilst supporting the professional development of officers and staff to ensure that the needs of victims are met.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.5 Servizz: Expansion of IRIS

Fornitur: South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Service (Citizens Advice Waverley)

Għotja: £50,000

sommarju: To introduce an IRIS (Identification and Referral to Improve Safety) programme in Guildford and Waverley. IRIS is a specialist Domestic Abuse training, support and referral programme for General Practices, developed to promote and improve the healthcare response to Domestic Abuse. This is matched funding, with the remaining 50% of funding having been acquired by the provider from the Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group Better Care Fund.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.6 Servizz: Cuckooing Service

Fornitur: Katalizzatur

Għotja: £54,000

sommarju: To explore how specialist assertive outreach workers can work alongside Surrey Police to support victims of cuckooing. The aim is to support the Police reduce their time spent with victims, divert people away from the criminal justice system, and support victims access a broad range of services to meet their needs.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.7 Servizz: Child Exploitation Service

Fornitur: Qabda22

Għotja: £90,000

sommarju: The new service will offer a combination of creative workshops and tailored one-to-one support from a named advisor to help individuals to address the root causes of their vulnerability. Focussing on early intervention that recognises the family, health and social factors that can lead to exploitation, the three-year project will increase the number of young people supported away from exploitation by 2025.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.8 Servizz: Surrey Through the Gate Housing Scheme

Fornitur: Il-Forward Trust

Għotja: £30,000

sommarju: Is-Servizz tad-Djar u r-Risistemazzjoni jipprovdi appoġġ lil individwi vulnerabbli, bi storja ta’ droga, alkoħol jew kwistjonijiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali, li jkunu għadhom kif ħarġu mill-ħabs u li m’għandhomx fejn jgħixu. Il-Forward Trust tipprovdi dar stabbli u permanenti għal dawn l-individwi, flimkien ma 'kura wrap around addizzjonali. Dan jista’ jinkludi appoġġ biex jinżammu kirjiet, jiġi sostnut l-irkupru mill-vizzju, aċċess għal pretensjonijiet ta’ benefiċċji u banek tal-ikel, jittejbu l-ħiliet tal-ħajja, jiġġeddu r-relazzjonijiet mal-familji, u jimpenjaw ruħhom mat-taħriġ dwar is-saħħa mentali u l-impjiegi.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.9 Servizz: Supported Housing for Young People

Fornitur: Il-Fondazzjoni Ambra

Għotja: £37,500

sommarju: Amber tipprovdi appoġġ u akkomodazzjoni għal żgħażagħ f'Surrey ta' bejn is-17 u t-30 sena li qed jesperjenzaw żvantaġġi multipli. L-OPCC jiffinanzja 3 mit-30 sodda fil-faċilità tagħhom f'Surrey.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.10 Service: Streetlight Surrey

Fornitur: Streetlight UK

Għotja: £28,227

sommarju: Streetlight UK jipprovdi appoġġ speċjalizzat għan-nisa involuti fil-prostituzzjoni u kull forma ta’ vjolenza u sfruttament sesswali, inklużi dawk traffikati fil-kummerċ tas-sess, u jipprovdi mogħdijiet tanġibbli u materjali għan-nisa biex joħorġu mill-prostituzzjoni.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

2.11 Service: Catalyst High Impact (CHI) Service

Fornitur: Katalizzatur

Għotja: £50,000

sommarju: Is-servizz CHI evolva u jipprovdi mudell tal-aħjar prattika ta’ sensibilizzazzjoni assertiva biex jinvolvi klijenti dipendenti fuq l-alkoħol. Is-servizz jappoġġa lil dawn il-klijenti biex isostnu bidla fit-terminu medju sa twil u jimmira koorti kkonċentrata ta’ individwi kumplessi li jibqgħu diffiċli biex jimpenjaw ruħhom ma’ servizzi ta’ trattament tradizzjonali u konsegwentement isiru utenti ta’ intensità għolja li jkollhom impatt kemm fuq is-servizzi tas-saħħa kif ukoll tal-ġustizzja kriminali.

Baġit: Preċett Uplift 2021/22

3.0 Approvazzjoni tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità

Napprova r-rakkomandazzjonijiet kif iddettaljat fi Taqsima 2 ta’ dan ir-rapport.

Firma: PCC Lisa Townsend (kopja mxarrba miżmuma fl-OPCC)

Data: 24th Frar 2022

(Id-deċiżjonijiet kollha għandhom jiżdiedu mar-reġistru tad-deċiżjonijiet.)