
IOPC complaints data

Kull tliet xhur, l-Uffiċċju Indipendenti għall-Kondotta tal-Pulizija (IOPC) jiġbor data mill-forzi dwar kif jittrattaw l-ilmenti. Jużaw dan biex jipproduċu bullettini ta' informazzjoni li jistabbilixxu l-prestazzjoni kontra għadd ta' miżuri. Huma jqabblu d-data ta 'kull forza ma' tagħhom l-aktar grupp ta' forza simili medja u bir-riżultati ġenerali għall-forzi kollha fl-Ingilterra u Wales.

This page includes the latest information bulletins and recommendations to Surrey Police made by the IOPC.

Complaint Information Bulletins

Quarterly bulletins contain information about complaints defined under the Police Reform Act (PRA) 2002, as amended by the Police and Crime Act 2017. They provide the following data for each force on:

  • Complaints and allegations logged – average time the force takes to contact complainant and to log complaints
  • allegations logged – what the complaints are about and the situational context of complaints
  • how complaints and allegations have been handled
  • complaint cases finalised – average time the force takes to finalise complaint cases
  • allegations finalised – average time the force takes to finalise allegations
  • allegations decisions
  • investigazzjonijiet – average number of days to finalise allegations by investigation
  • reviews to the local policing body for the force and to the IOPC
  • reviews completed – average number of days the LPB and the IOPC take to complete reviews
  • decisions on reviews – decisions made by the LPB and the IOPC
  • actions following complaints (for complaints handled outside of Schedule 3 of the PRA)
  • actions following complaints (for complaints handled under Schedule 3 of the PRA)

Police forces are invited to provide commentary on their performance bulletins. This commentary might explain why their figures differ from their most similar force group average, and what they are doing to improve the way they handle complaints. Where forces provide this commentary, the IOPC publish it alongside their bulletin. In addition to this, your Commissioner holds regular meetings with the Professional Standards Department to monitor and scrutinise the data.

The latest bulletins contain information about complaints made from 1 February 2020 and handled under the Police Reform Act 2002, as amended by the Police and Crime Act 2017. 

L-aħħar aġġornamenti:

You can also view the narrative from our office and Surrey Police in response to each bulletin from the IOPC below.

Complaints updates from the IOPC have been provided as PDF files. Please Ikkuntatjana if you would like to access this information in a different format:

All Police Complaint Statistics

The IOPC publish a report with police complaint statistics for all police forces in England and Wales each year. You can see the data and our responses below:

Changes to how the data is analysed

Following the production of the Quarter 4 2020/21 police complaint information bulletins, changes were made to the calculations used to report reviews handled by local policing bodies (LPB). 2020/21 figures on reviews handled by LPBs are presented in the IOPC’s addendum.

Police forces continue to handle complaints made before 1 February 2020. These bulletins contain data about those complaints, which are handled under the Police Reform Act 2002, as amended by the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

Previous bulletins are available on the National Archive website.


The below recommendations were made to Surrey Police by the IOPC:

Latest News

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Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità Lisa Townsend

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