Dwar il-Kummissarju tiegħek

Commissioner’s Allowance Scheme


Your Commissioner may claim expenses under Schedule One of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act (2011).

These are determined by Secretary of State and include the below items when reasonably incurred by the Commissioner as part of their role:

  • Spejjeż tal-ivvjaġġar
  • Subsistence expenses (food and drink at appropriate times)
  • Spejjeż eċċezzjonali


In this scheme,

“Commissioner” means the Police and Crime Commissioner.

“Chief Executive” means the Chief Executive of the Commissioner’s Office.

“Chief Finance Officer” means the Chief Finance Officer of the PCC’s Office. The Chief Executive should subject all of the Commissioner’s expense claims to rigorous verification and auditing.  A breakdown of the Commissioner’s expenses is to be published on the website on an annual basis.

Provision of ICT and Related Equipment

The Commissioner shall be provided with a mobile phone, lap-top, printer, and necessary stationery to fulfil their roles, should they request them. These remain the property of the Commissioner’s Office and must be returned at the end of the Commissioner’s term of office.

Payment of Allowances and Expenses

Claims for travelling and subsistence expenses should be submitted to the Chief Executive within 2 months from when the expense was incurred.  Claims received after the expiry of this period will only be paid in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Chief Finance Officer. Original receipts should be provided to support public travel and subsistence claims.

Travel and subsistence expenses will not be paid for the following:

  • Political activities not related to the role of the Commissioner
  • Social Functions not related to the role of the Commissioner unless previously approved by the Chief Executive
  • Attendance at meetings of an outside body to which the Commissioner is appointed where the activities are too remote from the functions of the Office of the Commissioner
  • Charity events – unless at the discretion of the Chief Executive

All reasonable and necessary travelling expenses, incurred whilst carrying out the business of the Commissioner, will be reimbursed on production of original receipts and in respect of ACTUAL EXPENDITURE incurred.

The Commissioner is expected to travel by public transport in order to undertake the business of the Police and Crime Commissioner.  (This does not include the cost of taxi fares unless there is no other public transport available or by the prior consent of the Chief Executive).  If travelling by rail, the Commissioner is expected to travel in standard class.  First class travel may be permitted where it can be demonstrated that it is of the same or less cost than standard class.  Air travel shall be permitted if this can be demonstrated to be the most cost effective option, having considered the full costs associated with other forms of transport. 

The reimbursement rate for travel in own motor car is 45p per mile up to 10,000 miles; and 25p per mile over 10,000 miles, both plus 5p per mile per passenger.  These rates are aligned with HMRC rates and will be revised in line with those.  Motor cycle use is reimbursed at a rate of 24p per mile.  In addition to the rate per mile, a further £100 is paid for each 500 miles claimed.

Mileage claims should normally only be made for journeys from the primary place of residence (within Surrey) for attendance at approved Commissioner business.  When required to travel to attend Commissioner business from another address (for example, returning from holiday or a second place of residence) this must be only in extenuating circumstances and with the prior agreement of the Chief Executive.

Spejjeż Oħra

On production of original receipts and in respect of ACTUAL EXPENDITURE incurred for approved duties.

Akkomodazzjoni f'lukanda

Hotel accommodation is normally booked in advance by the Office Manager or PA to the Commissioner and is paid for directly by the Office Manager.  Alternatively, the Commissioner can be reimbursed for actual receipted expenditure.  Expenditure may include the cost of breakfast (up to the value of £10) and if required, an evening meal (up to the value £30) but does not include alcohol, newspapers, laundry charges etc.


Payable when applicable, on production of original receipts and in respect of ACTUAL EXPENDITURE incurred for approved duties:-

Breakfast – up to £10.00

Evening meal – up to £30.00

Determinations do not permit claims to be made for lunch. 

Subsistence allowance is not payable for meetings where appropriate refreshments are provided.

Exceptional expenses, not falling within any of the above categories will be paid, if they have been reasonably incurred in carrying out the business of the Commissioner, original receipts have been provided and these expenses are approved by the Chief Executive.

Tgħallem aktar dwar il- role and responsibilities of your Commissioner f'Surrey.

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