Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Audit Bersama Surrey – 31 Januari – Agenda dan Kertas kerja

Surrey Police and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Joint Audit Committee – 31st January 2019

Bahagian Satu

  1. Apologies
  2. Pengisytiharan Kepentingan
  3. Notis Pengecualian
  4. Part Two Item
  5. Part Two Item
  6. Whistle-Blowing – OPCC Update
  7. Laporan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan
  8. Minutes of the Meeting held 17th October 2018
  9. Matters Arising from 17th October 2018
  10. Laporan Kemajuan Audit Dalaman
  11. Internal Audit – Introduction to Southern Internal Audit Partnership – Verbal
  12. Pelan Audit Luar 2018/19
  13. Semakan Tahunan Pengaturan Pengurusan Risiko
  14. Audit Committee Self Assessment – Verbal
  15. Notis Pengecualian