Дневник на одлуки 029/2021 Барање за користење на резерви на трошоци за промена

Полиција и комесар за криминал за Сари – Запис за донесување одлуки

Report Title: Request to use Cost of Change Reserves

Број на решение: 029/2021

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – CFO Surrey OPCC

Заштитна ознака: ОФИЦИЈАЛНО

Извршно резиме:

The Force wishes to invest in software to enable RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and thereby realise operational savings. This is a joint project with Sussex (who have agreed to their share of the funding) and the Surrey contribution is £163,000. It is requested that this come from the “Cost of Change” reserve as there is no identifiable budget available at present since it is still early in the year


The Force operate a number of unconnected systems where information has to be “doubled keyed”. This results in duplication of work and potential errors in data recording. This project will enable the installation of RPA to remove some of that duplication and hence release resources. The first stage of the program would look at removing duplicated records and cleansing addresses within the Niche systems. It is anticipated that the work could then progress to linking the Niche, Redbox and Strom systems. The concept has already been proved in Avon and Somerset and resulted in greater efficiency and savings.


It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner releases £163,000 from the “Cost of Change” reserves to support this project

Одобрение на полициски и комесар за криминал

Ги одобрувам препораките:

Signature: wet signature copy held in OPCC.

Date: 21st June 2021

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The Cost of Change reserve has £1.564m in it as at the 31st March 2021 and can be used for projects that realise efficiencies both in operations and costs. This initial funding will enable the project to commence. Following this first year any costs (and savings) will be taken account of in the annual budget process.




There is a risk that the project will not deliver the returns anticipated. This is mitigated by the fact that the concept has already been used successfully in Avon and Somerset.

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