Decision 22/2022 – Community Safety Fund Applications and Children and Young People Applications – July 2022

Полиција и комесар за криминал за Сари – Запис за донесување одлуки

Community Safety Fund Applications and Children and Young People Applications – July 2022

Број на решение: 22/2022
Author and Job Role: Sarah Haywood, Commissioning and Policy Lead for Community Safety
Protective Marking: Official

Извршно резиме:

For 2022/23 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 of funding to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations. The Police and Crime Commissioner also made available £275,000 for the new Children and Young People’s Fund which is a dedicated resource to support activities and groups who work with children and young people across Surrey stay safe.

Апликации за награди за мали грантови до 5000 фунти - Фонд за безбедност на заедницата

Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy – Street Angels
To award Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy £5,000 to support their Street Angels project. The project, set up in 2008 works in Guildford town centre to create a safe and welcoming environment by showing acts of kindness and support to those out in the town in the evening and early morning. The funding will enable the team to buy equipment and support the volunteers.

Surrey Police – Modern Slavery
To award Surrey Police £650 to purchase merchandise to give out during engagement activities by Surrey Police to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking. They will be use specifically at the Force Open Day and during Anti-Slavery Day on the 18th October.

Surrey Police – Guildford White Ribbon
To award Surrey Police on behalf of the Guildford Partnership £476 to purchase material to support the team in promoting the White Ribbon Campaign. The Partnership are planning on an intensification period between the 4th and 15th July with a focus on VAWG and DA. The Team will have engagement stalls in the town to encourage people to sign the pledge and become advocates.

Surrey Police – ASB Week
To award Surrey Police £1,604 to support Surrey Community Harm Partnerships response to National ASB Week. During the week the Partnership are running an awareness campaign to raise the public awareness that ASB will not be tolerated and what to do if you are a victim. The funding will be used to hard copy leaflets and pledge boards for partners to sign.

Surrey Police – Runnymede
To award Surrey Police £1411 to purchase promotional materials which officers and partners can use during community engagement events included branded stationary and give aways.

Applications for Standard Grant Awards over £5000 – Children and Young People’s Fund

Surrey Fire and Rescue – YES
To award Surrey Fire and Rescue £20,000 to support the delivery of the Youth Engagement Scheme. The YES project, run by Surrey Fire and Rescue works with young people identified as being at risk of crime or ASB and though the week long course challenges them to understand actions and consequences, boundaries, respect and build self esteem. The benefits are seen in increased school attendance, lesson attendance and engagement in learning. The funding will be used to support transport, food and take aways for the young people.

Applications for Small Grant Awards up to £5000 – Children and Young People’s Fund

Surrey Police – Youth Engagement through Boxing
To award Surrey Police £5,000 to support the development of a boxing club in Ashford Youth Community Centre aimed at working with children and young people who require additional support. The local Officer has secured time at the venue and a coach. The funding will support the costs of staffing the sessions.

Советот на округот Елмбриџ - помлад граѓанин
To award £162,04 to Elmbridge Borough Council on behalf of the Community Safety Partnership to support the funding of their Junior Citizen’s project. The Junior Citizen event took place in June and this funding is to cover the increased number of children who attended the Walton Fire Station to hear community safety messages.

Runnymede Borough Council – Junior Citizen
To award Runnymede Borough Council £2,500 to support the delivery of the local Junior Citizen programme. The scheme has been running in the borough for many years and over 900 primary school students attend from 22 schools to receive information on staying safe. The funding will support the volunteers during the week.

The Commissioner supports the core service applications and grants applications to the Community Safety Fund and the Children and Young People’s Fund and awards to the following;

  • 8,000 фунти на Crimestoppers кон регионалниот менаџер
  • £5,000 to Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy for the Street Angels
  • £650 to Surrey Police for modern slavery material
  • £476 to Surrey Police to support their White Ribbon campaign in Guildford
  • £1,604 to Surrey Police for ASB Awareness Week
  • £1411 to Surrey Police for promotional material to be used in Runnymede
  • £20,000 to Surrey Fire and Rescue for the YES project
  • £5,000 to Surrey Police for the youth engagement through boxing project
  • £162.04 to Elmbridge Borough Council for the Junior Citizen project
  • £2,5000 to Runnymede Borough Council for the Junior Citizen project

Одобрение на полициски и комесар за криминал
Ги одобрувам препораките:

Потпис: PCC Лиза Таунсенд (мокро потпишана копија се чува во OPCC)

Датум: 15 јули 2022 г

Сите одлуки мора да се додадат во регистарот на одлуки.

Области на разгледување

Се одржаа консултации со соодветни водечки службеници во зависност од апликацијата. Од сите апликации е побарано да достават докази за какви било консултации и ангажман на заедницата.

Финансиски импликации
Од сите апликации е побарано да потврдат дека организацијата има точни финансиски информации. Исто така, од нив се бара да ги вклучат вкупните трошоци на проектот со преглед каде ќе се потрошат парите; секое дополнително финансирање обезбедено или аплицирано и планови за тековно финансирање. Панелот за одлуки на Фондот за безбедност на заедницата/ службениците за политика за безбедност и жртви на заедницата ги земаат предвид финансиските ризици и можности кога ја разгледуваат секоја апликација.

Правниот совет се зема врз основа на апликација по апликација.

Панелот за одлуки на Фондот за безбедност на заедницата и службениците за политики ги разгледуваат сите ризици при распределбата на средствата. Исто така, дел од процесот е да се земе предвид кога се одбива апликација, ризиците од испораката на услугата доколку е соодветно.

Еднаквост и различност
Од секоја апликација ќе се бара да обезбеди соодветни информации за еднаквоста и различноста како дел од барањата за мониторинг. Од сите апликанти се очекува да се придржуваат до Законот за еднаквост од 2010 година

Ризици за човековите права
Од секоја апликација ќе се бара да обезбеди соодветни информации за човековите права како дел од барањата за мониторинг. Од сите апликанти се очекува да се придржуваат до Законот за човекови права.