
Kopienas drošības asambleja

Kopienas drošības asambleja

The Community Safety Assembly is hosted by the office of the Commissioner to bring partner organisations across the county together to improve collaboration and enhance community safety in Surrey. It supports the delivery of the Policijas un noziedzības plāns that outlines the key priorities for Surrey Police.

The Assembly is a key part of the delivery of Surrey’s Kopienas drošības nolīgums that outlines how partners will work together to improve community safety, by enhancing the support for individuals affected or at risk of harm, reducing inequalities and strengthening work between different agencies.

Surrey’s Community Safety Partnership is responsible for the agreement and works closely with Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Board, recognising the strong link between health and wellbeing outcomes and community safety. 

The Community Safety Priorities in Surrey relate to:

  • Vardarbība ģimenē
  • Drug and alcohol
  • Prevent; the counter-terrorism programme
  • Serious youth violence
  • Antisociāla uzvedība

Community Safety Assembly – May 2022

The first Assembly was attended by community safety representatives from Surrey County Council and district and borough councils, local health services, Surrey Police, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, justice partners and community organisations including mental health and domestic abuse services.

Throughout the day, members were asked to consider the bigger picture of so-called ‘low level crime’, to learn to spot the signs of hidden harm and to discuss how to overcome challenges that included barriers to sharing information and building public trust.

Group work on a variety of topics was accompanied by presentations from Surrey Police and Surrey County Council, including the Force’s focus on reducing violence against women and girls, tackling antisocial behaviour and embedding a problem-solving approach to policing that is focused on longer term prevention.

The meeting was also the first time that representatives from each of the organisations had met in person since the start of the pandemic and will be followed with regular meetings of Surrey’s Community Safety Partnership to progress work in each of the areas of the Agreement between 2021-25.

Our Surrey Partners

Kopienas drošības nolīgums

crime plan

The Community Safety Agreement outlines the ways partners will work together to reduce harm and improve community safety in Surrey.

Policijas un noziedzības plāns Surrey

crime plan

Lisas plāns ietver mūsu vietējo ceļu drošības nodrošināšanu, antisociālas uzvedības apkarošanu un vardarbības pret sievietēm un meitenēm samazināšanu Surrejā.

Jaunākās ziņas

Savas kopienas kārtības nodrošināšana — komisārs saka, ka policijas komandas sāk cīņu ar narkotiku bandām pēc pievienošanās apgabala līniju apspiešanai

Policijas un noziedzības lietu komisāre Liza Taunsenda no ārdurvīm skatās, kā Surejas policijas darbinieki izpilda orderi īpašumā, kas saistīts ar iespējamo apgabala līniju narkotiku tirdzniecību.

Rīcības nedēļa nosūta spēcīgu vēstījumu apgabala līniju bandām, ka policija turpinās demontēt savus tīklus Surrejā.

Miljonu mārciņu vērta antisociālas uzvedības apspiešana, jo komisārs saņem finansējumu karsto punktu patruļai

Policijas un noziedzības lietu komisārs staigā pa grafiti pārklātu tuneli kopā ar diviem vīriešiem policistiem no vietējās komandas Spelthornā

Komisāre Liza Taunsenda sacīja, ka nauda palīdzēs palielināt policijas klātbūtni un redzamību Surrejā.

Komisāre apsveic ievērojamus uzlabojumus 999 un 101 zvanu atbilžu laikā, jo ir sasniegti labākie reģistrētie rezultāti

Policijas un krimināllietu komisāre Liza Taunsenda sēdēja kopā ar Surrey policijas kontaktpersonāla locekli

Komisāre Liza Taunsenda sacīja, ka gaidīšanas laiks, lai sazinātos ar Surrejas policiju pa 101 un 999, tagad ir mazākais Force rekordā.