Lēmumu žurnāls 056/2020 — 7. mēnesis, 2020/21 finanšu rezultāti un budžeta pārskati

Pārskata nosaukums: 7. mēnesis 2020./21. gada finanšu rezultāti un budžeta rādītāji

Lēmuma numurs: 56/2020

Autors un darba loma: Kelvins Menons – kasieris

Aizsardzības marķējums: OFICIĀLS


Finanšu uzraudzības ziņojums par periodu, kas beidzas 31st October 2020 shows that Surrey Police Group is predicted to be £0.3m under budget by the end of March 2021 based on performance so far. This is a reduction from the £0.7m predicted last month. Capital is predicted to be £1.2m underspent, compared with £2.5m last month, however this will depend on the timing of projects.

Finanšu noteikumos teikts, ka visi budžeta izdevumi, kas pārsniedz 0.5 miljonus mārciņu, ir jāapstiprina PCC. Tie ir izklāstīti pievienotā ziņojuma D pielikumā.


Whilst the Surrey Police Group remains within budget the gap is now closing and careful budget management will need to be employed to ensure that the group remains within budget for the rest of the year. Covid expenditure so far has totalled £6.7m of which £3.5m has been reimbursed by Government. Now that PPE is supplied centrally the rate of expenditure on Covid is at least falling. Areas such as staffing costs and overtime remain under pressure but are being monitored closely by the Force.

Of the total Capital Budget of £14.4m only £4.5m has actually been spent. This makes it likely that the underspend will actually be larger than the £1.2m predicted. Whilst these projects will be delayed it will reduce financing costs in the year.

Beidzot visi gada ietaupījumi ir samaksāti, un Spēki ir izlēmuši pieņemt darbā visus priekšrakstu un paaugstināšanas virsniekus.

A more detailed finance report is included within the December Performance Meeting public agenda.

The budget virements requested are set out in Appendix A and mainly relate to the reanalysis of staffing costs within the budget


Policijas un krimināllietu komisāra apstiprinājums

Es atzīmēju finanšu rādītājus 31. gadāst October 2020 and approve the virements set out in Appendix A of the attached report.


Paraksts: Deivids Munro (slapjais paraksts pieejams drukātajā eksemplārā)

Date: 29/12/2020

Visi lēmumi jāpievieno lēmumu reģistram.

Apsveramās jomas



Finansiālās sekas

Tie ir izklāstīti dokumentā




There are a number of risks around the delivery of the budget such as Overtime and Covid and these will be monitored closely during the remainder of the year.

Vienlīdzība un dažādība


Riski cilvēktiesībām


A papildinājums

Ieņēmumi Virements virs £500k

MĒNESĪ summa


Perm/Temp no Uz Apraksts
M7 1,034 Ilgviļņi Komerciālie un finanšu pakalpojumi IKT ICT Revenue funding for Projects (AJ)
M7 518 Ilgviļņi Komerciālie un finanšu pakalpojumi Vietējā policija SY – Creation of Precept 20/21 Police Staff posts in Various Departments (HB)
M7 1,283 Ilgviļņi Komerciālie un finanšu pakalpojumi Apgādāt Commercial Financial Servcies Virement 20/21(CH)
M7 570 Ilgviļņi Komerciālie un finanšu pakalpojumi Vietējā policija Commercial Financial Servcies Virement 20/21(CH)