Joint Audit Committee Meeting – 20th October 2021

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Surėjaus OPCC ir Surėjaus policijos jungtinio audito komiteto posėdis

20th October, 14:00, held via MS Teams

Pirma dalis – Viešai

  1. Atsiprašome už nebuvimą
  2. Skubūs reikalai
  3. Interesų deklaracijos
  4. Minutes of Meeting held 28th July 2021
  5. Internal Audit Progress Report 2021/22
  6. 06_ JAC Annual Governance Statement and Financial Statement 2020-21 a) Surrey OPCC Accounts b) Surrey CC Accountsc) External Audit Findings report d) Surrey Police Draft Letter of atstovavimas to External Auditors
  7. JAC Terms of Reference – Amendment
  8. Dovanų ir svetingumo apžvalga a) PCC’s Gifts and Hospitality b) CC’s Gifts and Hospitality
  9. a) PCC’s Expenses b) CC’s Expenses
  10. Force Performance Report