Sprendimų žurnalas 025/2021 – Nepriklausomų atstovų lankomumo pašalpų schemos 2021/2022

Surėjaus policijos ir nusikaltimų komisaras – sprendimų priėmimo įrašas

Report Title: Independent Representatives Attendance Allowance Schemes 2021/2022

Sprendimo numeris: 025/2021

Autorius ir pareigos: Rachel Lupanko, biuro vadovė

Apsauginis žymėjimas: PAREIGŪNAS


The Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), in exercise of the powers conferred by the Police and Crime Act 2011 pay an Attendance Allowance to Independent Representatives of the Audit Committee, Misconduct Panels and Police Appeals Tribunals.

Independent Representatives and Independent Custody Visitors are also able to claim for travel, subsistence and child care costs incurred whilst on official PCC business.

The Allowance Scheme is reviewed on an annual basis.


Following a review in 2016 it was decided to clarify the amounts paid to the different Independent Representatives appointed by the PCC. Each scheme has been reviewed and updated for 2021/2022 and is set out below, copies of each scheme is available on request as per 1-5:

  1. Independent Custody Visitors
  2. Audit Committee Members
  3. Independent Members for Misconduct Panels
  4. Legally Qualified Chairs for Misconduct Panels & PATs
  5. Police Appeal Tribunal Independent Member

In most cases the PCC is bound by the rate set by the Home Office (Independent Members for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeals Tribunals, Legally Qualified Chairs for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeals Tribunals. The Chair of the Joint Audit Committee receives a fixed annual allowance agreed when appointed, however, the PCC is able to increase the Attendance Allowance for all other Audit Committee Members and the repayment rate for subsistence or child care expenses for Audit Committee Members and Independent Custody Visitors in line with the CPI inflation rate for September 2021 of 0.5%.


That the PCC follows the Home Office rate for Independent Members for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeal Tribunals, Legally Qualified Chairs for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeal Tribunals, and increases the Attendance Allowance for Independent Audit Committee Members and the repayment rate for subsistence or child care expenses for Audit Committee Members and Independent Custody Visitors in line with the CPI inflation rate (September 2021) of 0.5%.

Policijos ir nusikaltimų komisaro patvirtinimas

Pritariu rekomendacijai (-oms):

Parašas: Lisa Townsend (šlapio parašo kopiją galima rasti OPCC)

Data: 24th gali 2021

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Finansinės pasekmės

Already incorporated within the budget for 2021/2022




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