Sprendimas 26/2022 – LQC pašalpų schema 2022/23

Surėjaus policijos ir nusikaltimų komisaras – sprendimų priėmimo įrašas

Report Title: LQC Allowance Scheme 2022/2023

Sprendimo numeris: 26/2022

Autorius ir pareigos: Rachel Lupanko, biuro vadovė

Apsauginis žymėjimas: PAREIGŪNAS


The Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), in exercise of the powers conferred by the Police and Crime Act 2011, pay an Attendance Allowance to Legally Qualified Chairs of Misconduct Panels and Police Appeals Tribunals.


The Allowance Scheme is reviewed on an annual basis but has been amended in year to bring it in line with regional allowances as set out in the LQC Handbook fees and allowances.


That the PCC accepts the amendment to the allowance scheme.

Policijos ir nusikaltimų komisaro patvirtinimas

Pritariu rekomendacijai (-oms):

Parašas: PCC Lisa Townsend (kopija su šlapiu parašu, saugoma OPCC)

Data: 17 m. rugpjūčio 2022 d

Visi sprendimai turi būti įtraukti į sprendimų registrą.

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Finansinės pasekmės

As this is only a small adjustment to the allowance it is unlikely to have much of a financial impact and is incorporated within the budget for 2021/2022




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