Entscheedungsprotokoll 046/2020 - Reduktioun Reoffending Fund (RRF) Uwendung Oktober 2020

Police a Kriminalitéit Kommissär fir Surrey - Decisioun Rekord

Bericht Titel: Reducing Reoffending Fund (RRF) Application October 2020

Entscheedungsnummer: 046/2020

Auteur an Aarbecht Roll: Craig Jones - Politik & Kommissioun Lead fir CJ

Schutzmarkéierung: OFFIZIELL


Fir 2020/21 huet de Police- a Kriminalkommissär £ 266,667 u Finanzéierung zur Verfügung gestallt fir d'Reoffending zu Surrey ze reduzéieren.


In October 2020 the following organisation submitted an application to the RRF for consideration;

The Restorative Justice Training Company - Liwweren Restorative Interventions project - Zomm ugefrote £ 4500

The RJ training company will provide a Restorative Justice Intervention service for cases referred to the Restorative Justice Hub that fall outside of current provision. The director, Mike Ledwidge, has been delivering RJ interventions and training for over 20 years. He was one of the first trainers in RJ in the UK and completed a masters degree based on RJ. Mike helped create the RJ Council and set the original training standards. He was a council trustee for some years and has delivered RJ training all over the UK and in Central America.


That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards the sum requested to the above mentioned organisation totalling £4500

Police a Kriminalitéit Kommissär Genehmegung

Ech stëmmen d'Empfehlung(n):

Ënnerschrëft: David Munro (naass Ënnerschrëft op Hardcopy)

Datum: 16. Oktober 2020

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