Decision Log 012/2022 – Appointment of Chair Designate for the Surrey Joint Audit Committee

Police a Kriminalitéit Kommissär fir Surrey - Decisioun Rekord

Report Title Appointment of Chair Designate for the Surrey Joint Audit Committee

Entscheedungsnummer: 2022/12

Auteur an Aarbecht Roll: Kelvin Menon - OPCC Tresorier

Schutzmarkéierung: OFFIZIELL


Following an application process and the agreement of both the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable Mr Patrick Molineux was appointed as Chair Designate for the Surrey Joint Audit Committee


The current Chair, Mr Paul Brown, signalled his intention to step down from the Chairmanship of the Committee at the 31st Dezember 2022.

In order for there to be an orderly transition to a new Chair the position of “Chair Designate” was created. Applications were invited from existing members of the committee and a selection process undertaken to find the most suitable candidate. The “Chair Designate” will shadow the existing Chair with a view to taking on the Chair on the 1st January 2023 for a period of 4 years. The final appointment will be subject to ratification by both the PCC and CC


That Mr Patrick Molineux be appointed with immediate effect Chair Designate of the Surrey Joint audit Committee for the period until the 31st Dezember 2022.

Police a Kriminalitéit Kommissär Genehmegung

Ech stëmmen d'Empfehlung(n):

Ënnerschrëft: PCC Lisa Townsend (naass ënnerschriwwen Kopie ofgehalen an OPCC)

Datum: 14/04/2022

All Entscheedunge mussen an den Entscheedungsregister bäigefüügt ginn.

Beräicher vun Hibléck



Finanziell Implikatioune

None the position does not attract an additional allowance


Net erfuerderlech



Gläichheet an Diversitéit

Applications where invited from all existing members of the Committee

Risiken fir Mënscherechter
