Decision 33/2022 – Funding for technology to safeguard survivors of domestic abuse

Auteur an Aarbecht Roll: Lucy Thomas, Kommissioun & Politik Lead fir Affer Services

Schutzmarkéierung:  OFFIZIELL


Police & Kriminalitéit Kommissären hunn déi gesetzlech Verantwortung fir Servicer ze bidden fir d'Affer z'ënnerstëtzen an z'erhalen.


When victims of domestic abuse come forward to report and engage with the police, their ongoing safety is paramount. Systems can be deployed to leave minimal footprint on user’s electronic devices to help them communicate with the police.


The Office of the Police and Crime Commission part fund a technology solution to help safeguard victims of domestic abuse for £5,184 for 2022/23.

Police a Kriminalitéit Kommissär Genehmegung

Ech stëmmen d'Empfehlung(n):

Ënnerschrëft:  Lisa Townsend, Police a Kriminalitéit Kommissärin fir Surrey (naass ënnerschriwwen Kopie ofgehalen am Kommissär Büro)

Datum: 20th Oktober 2022

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