성능 측정

리소스 관리

Financial Context

Financial planning sits at the heart of good public financial management and the ability to look strategically beyond the current budget period is a crucial process to support resilience and long-term financial sustainability.

The Medium-Term Financial Strategy is one of the key planning tools that helps identify available resources and options for delivery of my Police and Crime Plan and the National Strategic Policing Requirements.

One of my key responsibilities is setting the annual budget in consultation with the Chief Constable, and this in turn determines the annual precept, which is what residents pay via their council tax contributions to fund local policing activity.

The 2022/23 revenue budget was approved in February 2022, totalling £279.1m. I delegated £275.9m of this to the Chief Constable to enable him to discharge his operational responsibilities. This budget represented an increase of £17.4m on the previous year, funded by a combination of increased government grant, council tax and reserves. 

Financial Headlines 2022/23

During the course of the year, I receive regular updates on the performance against the annual budget to ensure that Surrey Police expenditure remains on target. At the end of 2022/23, we had a total underspend of £8.7m which represented 3% of the overall budget. This was mainly due to staffing costs being lower than the budget and additional income.

With an increasingly competitive recruitment market and rising salary expectations, it has been difficult for Surrey Police to recruit suitably qualified staff. This saw police staff vacancies rise to 11% at year end and the resulting salary underspend.

Income was also higher than anticipated due to Police officer participation in a number of national events and rising interest rates.

2023/24 년 전망

Over the last few years there has been an expectation from Government that local taxpayers will contribute more to local policing. Surrey is in the unenviable position of having the lowest proportion of costs funded by government grant – at just 45% – and subsequently the highest from council tax.

Looking forward the financial challenges do not look to be getting any easier with savings of at least £15.7m required in the four years to 2026/27. This is in additional to the £83m of savings already delivered over the last ten years. The need to continually make savings to balance the budget has driven a relentless drive to deliver greater value for money and efficiencies.

Examples of initiatives being undertaken during the year ahead are as follows:

  • A continued roll out of equipment in the form of laptops and phones will enable remote working for officers and staff. This enables officers to do a lot of their reporting without the need to return to the office, reducing the need for office space and associated costs.
  • Telematics are being fitted to vehicles so that journeys can be tracked and the resulting data used to ensure most the efficient utilisation of the fleet.
  • ICT improvements are underway to upgrade legacy software, enabling more efficient working and improvements to the service provided to residents.
  • A project is in place to reduce energy use in buildings and officers are being encouraged to used bunkered rather than commercial fuel.
  • Work is continuing on development of the new Surrey Police headquarters, which should realise significant savings in operating costs and reduced emissions and improve efficiency.
  • People Services is being restructured to realise efficiencies in processes and staffing.
  • Centralising procurement is in place to ensure that all expenditure is adequately scrutinised and considered within the context of wider organisational priorities.
  • A stock control system has been introduced for uniforms so as to reduce waste and holding costs
  • Better support is being provided to new recruits to reduce the number of individuals who leave during training and shortly after deployment.
  • We are working with other forces through Blue Light commercial to leverage better prices in areas such as temporary staff, vehicles and ICT.

자세한 정보보기 써리 경찰 재정.

최신 뉴스

새로 재선된 위원은 Redhill에서 범죄 단속을 위해 경찰관과 합류하면서 "우리는 귀하의 우려에 따라 조치를 취하고 있습니다"라고 말합니다.

Redhill 타운 센터의 Sainsbury's 밖에 서 있는 Lisa Townsend 경찰 및 범죄 국장

국장은 Redhill 기차역에서 마약상을 표적으로 삼은 후 Redhill의 좀도둑을 근절하기 위한 작전에 경찰관과 합류했습니다.

Lisa Townsend는 Surrey의 경찰 및 범죄 국장으로 두 번째 임기를 획득하면서 '기본으로 돌아가는' 경찰 접근 방식을 환영합니다.

경찰 및 범죄 국장 Lisa Townsend

Lisa는 주민들에게 가장 중요한 문제에 대한 Surrey 경찰의 새로운 초점을 계속해서 지원할 것을 다짐했습니다.

지역 사회 치안 – 국장은 경찰 팀이 카운티 경계선 단속에 합류한 후 마약 갱단과 싸우고 있다고 말했습니다.

경찰 및 범죄국장 리사 타운젠드(Lisa Townsend)는 써리(Surrey) 경찰이 카운티 경찰의 마약 거래와 관련된 부동산에서 영장을 집행하는 것을 정문에서 지켜보고 있습니다.

이번 조치는 경찰이 써리(Surrey)에서 네트워크를 계속 해체할 것이라는 강력한 메시지를 카운티 경계선 갱단에게 보냅니다.