결정 로그 040/2021 – Western Hub용 SEROCU 예비 출시

결정 번호: 40/2021

저자 및 직무 역할: Kelvin Menon – OPCC Surrey Treasurer

보호 마킹: 공무원

요약 :

Together with South East PCCs and CCs the PCC is requested by allow the release of £1,231,317 from the South East Serocu Reserve to fund the Western Hub


The Western Hub is a new single operating base for SEROCU which should lead to greater efficiency and cost savings. The funding requested is from funds already put aside and does not impact Force budgets.

권장 사항 :

경찰 및 범죄 수사국 승인

권장 사항을 승인합니다.

Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner

Date: 02 September 2021

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