Camberley 학생은 사무실 브랜드 변경을 주도한 후 꿈의 직업을 얻었습니다.

IN 2022, local graphic design student Jack Dunlop won a competition launched by Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Ellie Vesey-Thompson, winning a work placement with leading designers 아키코 디자인.

During a week-long internship in Bramley, Jack developed the concept that was used to create our new branding, and continues to boost awareness of the key role that the Commissioner and our team play in representing the voice of local people on policing.

Akiko were so impressed with Jack’s work that he has now become the latest addition to their team, following the completion of his studies at the University for Creative Arts in Farnham.

Providing more opportunities for children and young people is a key part of 엘리‘s focus in Surrey, which includes dedicated funding for services that help young people to stay safe and thrive.

During the placement, she worked closely with Jack to develop and present his ideas to our team.

Ellie said: “I couldn’t be prouder that Jack’s experience through our office has helped him to hit the ground running in a really exciting career.

“I was incredibly impressed with Jack’s creativity, enthusiasm, and the diligence and commitment he brought to the redesign of our brand. I hope that he will take immense pride in knowing that his vision and branding plays an important and visible role in the work that we carry out with Surrey Police and partners right across the county.

“We are very proud of our new look thanks to Jack’s hard work alongside Akiko.”

Since starting with Akiko in December, Jack has been working on several projects, from improving the design of an existing client’s website to image preparation for a large website set to launch this January.  Jack is also going to be heavily involved in the work on a new website Akiko has recently won the contract for.

He said: “During the second year of my graphic design degree, I won a competition to design the new logo for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, from which arose the opportunity to have a week’s work experience at Akiko.

“A year later, I am a full time designer with them! Woohoo!”

Craig Denford, Creative Director at Akiko Design, directly supported Jack during his time with Akiko.

He said: “When Jack came in for the week placement last year I was really impressed by his ability and his work ethic. Having seen his college portfolio he clearly has a lot of talent, which I would always place above experience/qualifications. Since joining he’s been very quick to learn the packages needed and I already feel I can trust him to do a good job with larger projects. He’ll be an invaluable member of the team I’m sure.”

Read about Jack’s experience에 대해 자세히 알아 보거나 지역 서비스를 위한 자금 조달.

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