Registro delle decisioni 050/2020 – Riduzione della domanda di fondi per la recidiva – novembre 2020

Commissario per la polizia e la criminalità del Surrey - Documento decisionale

Titolo del rapporto: Domanda di riduzione del fondo per la recidiva (RRF) novembre 2020

Numero di decisione: 050/2020

Autore e ruolo lavorativo: Craig Jones – responsabile della politica e della messa in servizio per CJ

Marcatura protettiva: UFFICIALE


Per il 2020/21 il commissario per la polizia e la criminalità ha messo a disposizione un finanziamento di £ 266,667 per ridurre la recidiva nel Surrey.


Nel novembre 2020 la seguente organizzazione ha presentato una domanda alla RRF a titolo oneroso;

Polizia del Surrey - Woking CHaRM-Alpha Extreme project - somma richiesta £ 4000

CHaRM manages individuals who lead chaotic lives, commit or be victim to multiple, various crimes and impact the community heavily through their offending and lifestyle. As a partnership they have difficulties in addressing these issues when specific outreach is needed which covers a multiple needs spanning a number of agencies or issues. These can often not meet the threshold for specific agencies to be involved. However the needs of the individual still require addressing in order to improve their lives and the impact that they have on the community.

Alpha Extreme are a service which can provide this support to these individuals and are used on a number of boroughs within Surrey already. Alpha are a social enterprise which is part of Catalyst, a not for profit organisation. They have the skills to work with people who are struggling with issues arising from drugs, alcohol and mental health to themselves, their families and communities. Also with the COVID pandemic we would like a focused approach to these individuals where community services are also under strain.

The proposal is for a fund to be directed through the CHaRM process in supporting these individuals through outreach work to reduce offending and vulnerability as agreed and directed by the CHaRM attendees.


Che il Police & Crime Commissioner assegni la somma richiesta all'organizzazione di cui sopra totalizzando £4000

Approvazione del commissario di polizia e criminalità

Approvo le raccomandazioni:

Firma: David Munro (firma bagnata su copia cartacea)

Data: 03 / 11 / 2020

Tutte le decisioni devono essere aggiunte al registro delle decisioni.