Ákvarðanaskrá 047/2020 – Umsóknir um öryggissjóð samfélagsins – Surrey klúbbar fyrir ungt fólk (október 2020)

Lögregla og glæpamaður í Surrey - Ákvarðanatökuskrá

Ákvörðunarnúmer: 47/2020

Höfundur og starfshlutverk: Sarah Haywood, yfirmaður gangsetningar og stefnu í öryggismálum samfélagsins

Hlífðarmerki: Official


Yfirlit yfir stjórnendur:

Fyrir 2020/21 hefur lögreglu- og glæpastjórinn veitt 533,333.50 punda fjármögnun til að tryggja áframhaldandi stuðning við nærsamfélagið, sjálfboðaliða- og trúarsamtök.

Applications for Standard Application Awards over £5000 – Community Safety Fund

Surrey Clubs for Young People – Youth Club Regeneration

To award Surrey Clubs for Young People £25,000 towards the opening of youth clubs across Surrey as part of the Surrey County Council’s new model. Surrey Clubs for YP will work with volunteer groups to ensure that the youth centres are used and opened as youth clubs. The aim is to open each youth club two evenings a week and at other times the centres can be used for by other community-based organisations. The aim of opening the youth centres is to improve community relations and reduce anti-social behaviour. The focus will be on the following youth centres; Ash, The Bridge in Leatherhead, The Edge in Epsom, Sunbury, Leacroft and Stanwell.


Framkvæmdastjórinn styður kjarnaþjónustuumsóknir og smástyrksumsóknir til öryggissjóðs samfélagsins og veitir eftirfarandi;

  • £25,000 to Surrey Clubs for Young People for the Youth Club Regeneration

Samþykki lögreglu og afbrotastjóra

Ég samþykki tilmælin:

Undirskrift: David Munro (blaut undirskrift á prentuðu afriti)

Date: 26 / 10 / 2020

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