Ákvörðunardagbók 016/2022 – Sameiginleg leiga á eignum fyrir svæðisbundna skipulagða glæpadeild Suðausturlands (SEROCU)

Ákvörðunarnúmer: 16/2022

Höfundur og starfshlutverk: Kelvin Menon - OPCC gjaldkeri

Hlífðarmerki: OPINBER


Yfirlit yfir stjórnendur:

Joint entry into a lease for Eastern Technical Surveillance Unit for SEROCU (South East Regional Organised Crime Unit)



SEROCU is part of the national, regional, and local policing arrangement which protects the public from the most serious threats and harm by disrupting and bringing to justice those criminals that present the highest risk to the UK. Their work extends across the breadth of the South East and beyond given the complexity of crime types and technology employed by serious organised criminals.

The critical infrastructure for this work includes estates provision. Various properties have been looked at that could meet the requirements of Serocu and it has been proposed that a lease be entered in to for “Unit D” for a period of 10 years with a break at 5. This property would be leased on behalf of all SEROCU PCCs.



It is recommended that the PCC authorises the progression of a Lease for “Unit D” for the use of SERCOU


Samþykki lögreglu og afbrotastjóra

Ég samþykki tilmælin:


Undirskrift: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (Wet signed copy held by OPCC)

Dagsetning: 24 maí 2022


Allar ákvarðanir skulu settar í ákvarðanaskrá.






The property is being leased jointly by South East PCCs all of whom have been consulted.

Fjárhagsleg áhrif

The annual rent of will be divided between all SEROCU Partners. The approximate cost to Surrey is £61,000 per year


The Lease will be entered in to by the Lead Force


Details as to the property’s location has been withheld due to security considerations

Jafnrétti og fjölbreytileiki


Áhætta fyrir mannréttindi
