Ákvörðun 70/2022 – Samþykki fjármálaáætlunar til meðallangs tíma 2023/24 til 2026/27

Höfundur og starfshlutverk: Kelvin Menon – fjármálastjóri

Hlífðarmerki: OPINBER


The Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) seeks to model the finances of the PCC Group over the period from 2023/24 to 2026/27. This then sets out the key financial challenges facing the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) over the period 2023/24 to 2026/27and provides options for delivering a sustainable budget and capital programme over the medium term.

It also sets out how the PCC can provide the Chief Constable with the resources to deliver the priorities in the Police and Crime Plan. The MTFS sets the financial context for the PCC’s revenue budget, capital programme and precept decisions.

Stuðningur skjöl

The Medium Term Financial Plan is published on our Fjárhagssíða Surrey lögreglunnar.


It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner approves the MTFP for the period from 2023/24 to 2026/27.

Samþykki lögreglu og afbrotastjóra

Ég samþykki tilmælin:

Undirskrift: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (wet signed copy held at OPCC office)

Dagsetning: 17 apríl 2022

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The MTFP relies on a number of assumptions and there is a risk that these may change over time thereby changing the financial challenges that need to be addressed.

Jafnrétti og fjölbreytileiki

Engar afleiðingar af þessari ákvörðun

Áhætta fyrir mannréttindi

No implications from this decision.