Rexistro de decisións 056/2020 – Mes 7 2020/21 Desempeño financeiro e virementos orzamentarios

Título do informe: Mes 7 2020/21 Desempeño Financeiro e Virementos Orzamentarios

Número de resolución: 56/2020

Autor e función laboral: Kelvin Menon - Tesoureiro

Marcación de protección: OFICIAL

Sumario executivo:

O informe de seguimento financeiro do período que remata o 31st October 2020 shows that Surrey Police Group is predicted to be £0.3m under budget by the end of March 2021 based on performance so far. This is a reduction from the £0.7m predicted last month. Capital is predicted to be £1.2m underspent, compared with £2.5m last month, however this will depend on the timing of projects.

O Regulamento financeiro establece que todos os viramentos orzamentarios superiores a 0.5 millóns de libras esterlinas deben ser aprobados polo PCC. Estes recóllense no anexo D da memoria que se achega.


Whilst the Surrey Police Group remains within budget the gap is now closing and careful budget management will need to be employed to ensure that the group remains within budget for the rest of the year. Covid expenditure so far has totalled £6.7m of which £3.5m has been reimbursed by Government. Now that PPE is supplied centrally the rate of expenditure on Covid is at least falling. Areas such as staffing costs and overtime remain under pressure but are being monitored closely by the Force.

Of the total Capital Budget of £14.4m only £4.5m has actually been spent. This makes it likely that the underspend will actually be larger than the £1.2m predicted. Whilst these projects will be delayed it will reduce financing costs in the year.

Finalmente conseguíronse todos os aforros do ano e a Forza está a punto de contratar a todos os seus oficiais de precepto e elevación.

A more detailed finance report is included within the December Performance Meeting public agenda.

The budget virements requested are set out in Appendix A and mainly relate to the reanalysis of staffing costs within the budget


Aprobación do comisario de policía e criminalidade

Observo o rendemento financeiro ao 31st October 2020 and approve the virements set out in Appendix A of the attached report.


Sinatura: David Munro (sinatura húmida dispoñible en copia impresa)

Date: 29/12/2020

Todas as decisións deben engadirse ao rexistro de decisións.

Ámbitos de consideración



Implicacións financeiras

Estes están establecidos no documento




There are a number of risks around the delivery of the budget such as Overtime and Covid and these will be monitored closely during the remainder of the year.

Igualdade e diversidade


Riscos para os dereitos humanos


apéndice A

Os ingresos superan os 500 £

Mes cantidade


Perm/Temp de Para descrición
M7 1,034 Permanente Servizos comerciais e financeiros TIC ICT Revenue funding for Projects (AJ)
M7 518 Permanente Servizos comerciais e financeiros Policía Local SY – Creation of Precept 20/21 Police Staff posts in Various Departments (HB)
M7 1,283 Permanente Servizos comerciais e financeiros Equipo Commercial Financial Servcies Virement 20/21(CH)
M7 570 Permanente Servizos comerciais e financeiros Policía Local Commercial Financial Servcies Virement 20/21(CH)