Decisión 28/2022 RASASC Financiamento 2022

Comisario de Policía e Crime de Surrey: rexistro de toma de decisións

Report Title RASASC funding 2022

Número de resolución: 28/2022

Autor e función laboral: Lucy Thomas, responsable de comisionado e políticas de servizos ás vítimas

Marcación de protección: OFICIAL

Sumario executivo:

Police & Crime Commissioners have the statutory responsibility to provide services to support victims cope and recover. RASASC provide core rape and sexual assault services in Surrey through counselling and Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs).


  • RASASC has seen a year on year rise in referrals to their service. Since 2016 they have been awarded £187,000 per annum through grant agreements to support survivors of sexual assault and rape; £157,000 through the Victims’ Fund and an additional £30,000 through alternative funding streams. In 2022/23 to date they have been awarded £157,000 from the Victims’ Fund, the additional £30,000 recommended will bring their funding in line with previous years.


  • An additional £30,000 is awarded to RASASC to support the delivery of counselling services for sexual assault and rape survivors.

Aprobación do comisario de policía e criminalidade

Aprobo a(s) recomendación(s):

Sinatura: PCC Lisa Townsend (copia asinada en húmido conservada en OPCC)

Data: 18 de agosto de 2022

Todas as decisións deben engadirse ao rexistro de decisións.

Ámbitos de consideración


Note any members of staff who have been consulted when writing paper.

Note any public / stakeholder consultation that has informed the paper.

Implicacións financeiras

What are the cost implications and in which years do they occur? How will it be paid for? If not applicable add ‘no implications’


Consider whether legal advice is required. If so, note any advice here.

Consider whether there are any legal implications to this paper. If so, note here.


Detail any risks associated with the recommendations listed or failing to adopt one of the recommendations.

Igualdade e diversidade

Detail any equality and diversity implications associated with the options outlined or in failing to adopt one of the options. Include action planned to mitigate any inequalities. If not applicable add ‘no implications’.

Riscos para os dereitos humanos

Outline any risks to human rights that may occur as a result of any of the options outlined in the paper or failing to adopt one of the options. Include action planned to mitigate risks. If not applicable add ‘no risks’.