Decisión 66/2022 – 3. Trimestre 2022/23 Desempeño Financeiro e Virementos Orzamentarios

Autor e función laboral: Kelvin Menon - Tesoureiro

Marcación de protección:                   OFICIAL

Sumario executivo:

The Financial Monitoring report for the 3rd Quarter of the financial year shows that Surrey Police Group is predicted to be £3.4m under budget by the end of March 2023 based on performance so far. This is based on an approved budget of £279.1m for the year. Capital is predicted to be £4.0m underspent due to the timing of various projects.

O Regulamento financeiro establece que todos os viramentos orzamentarios superiores a 0.5 millóns de libras esterlinas deben ser aprobados polo PCC. Estes inclúense no presente anuncio de resolución.


Previsión de ingresos

The total budget for Surrey is £279.1m for 2022/23, against this the forecast outturn position is £276.7m resulting in an underspend of £2.4m.

 Orzamento PCC 2022/23 en millóns de libras2022/23 Operational Budget  £m2022/23 Total Budget £m2022/23 Projected Outturn  £m2022/23 Projected Variance £m
Mes 93.2275.9279.1275.7(3.4)

The largest element of the underspend is to do with staffing costs. A fixed number of officers (2,217) was budgeted for the entire year however in reality this number is not due to be reached until January thereby resulting in an underspend. In addition, despite efforts being made to recruit the staff vacancies stand at 12%, about 240 posts, which is above the 8% budgeted for resulting in a further saving. The shortage in staff has resulted in additional overtime costs but this has not negated fully the savings in staffing costs.

Workshop and fuel costs are estimated to be £1m over budget by the year end due to inflation although some of this has been offset by £0.5m saving in insurance premiums.

Previsión de capital

The capital plan is forecast to underspend by £4.0m. Most of this is due to underspend in IT projects (£3m) and the estates (£1m). The decision as to whether these will be allowed to be rolled over in to 2023/24 will be taken later in the year.

 Orzamento de capital 2022/23 M £2022/23 Capital reais en millóns de £Variación £m
Mes 614.910.9(4.0)

Virementos de ingresos

Per financial regulations only virements over £500k need approval from the PCC. These are set out below for quarter 3. 

Virementos de ingresosperíodoComisario de Policía e Crime de SurreyServizos á xentePolicía LocalServizos de Protección de OperaciónsEspecialista en CriminalidadeServizos comerciais e financeirosDDaTServizos CorporativosPlanificación de recursos empresariais
Virements permanentes (ata 0.500 millóns de libras) £ 000£ 000£ 000£ 000£ 000£ 000£ 000£ 000£ 000
Surrey Op Uplift posts 6xPC and 1Xds for SOIT Joint Op Uplift posts 2 X PS and 10 x PC for Intel RB Surrey Op Uplift posts 4Xpc for POLIT Intervention Team Surrey Op Uplift posts 6 x PC and 1 DS POLIT Investigation Joint Ops Command Uplift posts 5xPC for FELU  M7 M7 M7 M7 M7  (375)
(214) (375) (120)

392 302 214 392(17) 19   (17)   
Virementos temporais (ata 0.500 millóns de libras)          
DDat Central Funding STORM Capital Budget Tfr as agreed at CFO Board 30/09/22M7 M7    160  (111)111  
Virements permanentes (máis de 0.500 millóns de libras)          
Virementos temporais (0 por 0.500 millóns de libras)          

Aprobación do comisario de policía e criminalidade

I note the financial performance as at the 31st of December 2022 and approve the virements as set out above.

Sinatura: PCC Lisa Townsend (copia asinada en húmido conservada en OPCC)

data:     7th marzo 2023

Todas as decisións deben engadirse ao rexistro de decisións.

Ámbitos de consideración



Implicacións financeiras

Estes están establecidos no documento




O terceiro trimestre do ano seguiu sendo moi desafiante en canto á contratación de persoal. Aínda que isto resultou nun gasto insuficiente, hai lagoas en varias áreas que provocan unha maior presión sobre o persoal restante e repercuten no risco para o rendemento. Estase a revisar para que se poidan xestionar os riscos.

Igualdade e diversidade


Riscos para os dereitos humanos
