Co-dhùnadh 66/2022 – 3mh Cairteal 2022/23 Coileanadh Ionmhais agus Mothachadh Buidseit

Ùghdar agus Dreuchd: Kelvin Menon – Ionmhasair

Comharradh dìon:                   OIFIGEIL

Geàrr-chunntas Gnìomha:

The Financial Monitoring report for the 3rd Quarter of the financial year shows that Surrey Police Group is predicted to be £3.4m under budget by the end of March 2023 based on performance so far. This is based on an approved budget of £279.1m for the year. Capital is predicted to be £4.0m underspent due to the timing of various projects.

Tha Riaghailtean Ionmhais ag ràdh gum feum gach airgead buidseit thairis air £0.5m a bhith air aontachadh leis a’ PCC. Tha iad sin air an gabhail a-steach san fhios co-dhùnaidh seo.


Tuairmse teachd-a-steach

Is e am buidseat iomlan airson Surrey £279.1m airson 2022/23, agus an aghaidh seo tha an suidheachadh toraidh ro-mheasta aig £276.7m a’ ciallachadh fo-chaiteachas de £2.4m.

 Buidseat CSP 2022/23 £mBuidseat Obrachaidh 2022/23 £mBuidseat iomlan 2022/23 £mToradh ro-mheasta 2022/23 £mAtharrachadh ro-mheasta 2022/23 £m
Mìos 93.2275.9279.1275.7(3.4)

The largest element of the underspend is to do with staffing costs. A fixed number of officers (2,217) was budgeted for the entire year however in reality this number is not due to be reached until January thereby resulting in an underspend. In addition, despite efforts being made to recruit the staff vacancies stand at 12%, about 240 posts, which is above the 8% budgeted for resulting in a further saving. The shortage in staff has resulted in additional overtime costs but this has not negated fully the savings in staffing costs.

Workshop and fuel costs are estimated to be £1m over budget by the year end due to inflation although some of this has been offset by £0.5m saving in insurance premiums.

Ro-shealladh calpa

The capital plan is forecast to underspend by £4.0m. Most of this is due to underspend in IT projects (£3m) and the estates (£1m). The decision as to whether these will be allowed to be rolled over in to 2023/24 will be taken later in the year.

 Buidseat Calpa 2022/23 £mCalpa Fìor 2022/23 £mAtharrachadh £m
Mìos 614.910.9(4.0)

Tionndadh teachd a-steach

Per financial regulations only virements over £500k need approval from the PCC. These are set out below for quarter 3. 

Tionndadh teachd a-steachPeriodCoimiseanair Poileis is Eucoir SurreySeirbheisean DhaoinePoileas IonadailOperations Protective ServicesEucoir sònraichteSeirbheisean Malairteach is IonmhaisDDaTSeirbheisean CorporraIomairt Ghoireas Dealbhadh
Gluasadan maireannach (suas ri £0.500m) £ '000£ '000£ '000£ '000£ '000£ '000£ '000£ '000£ '000
Surrey Op Uplift posts 6xPC and 1Xds for SOIT Joint Op Uplift posts 2 X PS and 10 x PC for Intel RB Surrey Op Uplift posts 4Xpc for POLIT Intervention Team Surrey Op Uplift posts 6 x PC and 1 DS POLIT Investigation Joint Ops Command Uplift posts 5xPC for FELU  M7 M7 M7 M7 M7  (aon-deug)
(214) (375) (120)

392 302 214 392(17) 19   (17)   
Gluasadan sealach (suas ri £0.500m)          
DDat Central Funding STORM Capital Budget Tfr as agreed at CFO Board 30/09/22M7 M7    160  (aon-deug)111  
Gluasadan maireannach (còrr air £0.500m)          
Chan eil ginM7         
Gluasadan sealach (0ver £0.500m)          
Chan eil ginM7         

Aonta Coimiseanair Poileis is Eucoir

I note the financial performance as at the 31st of December 2022 and approve the virements as set out above.

Ainm sgrìobhte: PCC Lisa Townsend (lethbhreac fliuch le ainm a chumail ann an OPCC)

Ceann-latha:     7th Am Màrt 2023

Feumar a h-uile co-dhùnadh a chur ris a’ chlàr cho-dhùnaidhean.

Raointean beachdachaidh


Chan eil gin

Buaidh ionmhasail

Tha iad sin air am mìneachadh sa phàipear


Chan eil gin


Tha an treas ràithe den bhliadhna air a bhith gu math dùbhlanach a thaobh fastadh luchd-obrach. Ged a tha seo air leantainn gu fo-chosgais, tha beàrnan ann an grunn raointean a tha a’ leantainn gu barrachd cuideam air an luchd-obrach a tha air fhàgail agus a’ toirt buaidh air cunnart do choileanadh. Thathas a’ cumail sùil air seo gus an tèid cunnartan a riaghladh.

Co-ionannachd agus iomadachd

Chan eil gin

Cunnartan do chòraichean daonna

Chan eil gin