
Vabatahtlik tegevus 

Our vibrant volunteering programme includes members of Surrey’s communities from diverse backgrounds who collectively offer their valuable knowledge, skills, and experience to the Force and my office.

Young people can join the policing family from as young as 13 as a volunteer police cadet, from the age of 16 as a police support volunteer and the age of 18 as a special constable (or volunteer police officer). With no upper age limit for volunteering, many of the Force’s volunteers have a long service history and their commitment and contribution are hugely valued.

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Ellie Vesey-Thompson watches a parade of Surrey Police Cadets in smart uniform and hats

ICV Scheme

Meie Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) have continued to provide an essential service in the county over the last year by giving up their time to check on the welfare and treatment of people held in custody. ICVs are volunteers who visit police stations at random, in pairs, and speak to detainees in Surrey’s three custody suites in Guildford, Staines and Salfords to ensure police processes are open to independent scrutiny. 

Vabatahtlikud peavad olema üle 18-aastased ja elama, õppima või töötama Surrey politseipiirides. Kuigi skeemi haldamine ja järelevalve on PCC büroo kohustuslikud kohustused, on meie ICV-d politseist täiesti sõltumatud ning pärit erinevatest taustadest ja kogukonna osadest. Covid-19 esitas loomulikult tõelise väljakutse eestkoste külastamisel ja õnneks naasid 2021/22 meie vabatahtlikud järk-järgult tavapärase äritegevuse juurde. 

Praegu on skeemis osalenud 41 Surrey elanikku ja aastatel 2021/2 külastasid nad vabatahtlikult üle 300 tunni oma ajast 98 erineval korral. Nende visiitide ajal kontrollisid ICVd vahetult 458 kinnipeetava heaolu, tagades, et nende õigused ja õigused (vastavalt seaduses sätestatud) oleksid täidetud ning tingimused, mille alusel neid hoiti, on rahuldavad. 

Surrey vahi all viibimise HMIC-i kontroll 2021. aasta lõpus õnnitles skeemi ja vägesid nende lähedase ja kasuliku suhte ning tugeva järelevalve puhul, märkides, et "väed on avatud välisele kontrollile ning sõltumatutel vahikülastajatel (ICV) on hea juurdepääs sviitidele ja külastage iga saiti kord nädalas. Valvetöötajad reageerivad kiiresti tekkinud probleemidele ning seda jälgivad peainspektor ja ICV skeemi juht. 

Special Constables (volunteer police officers)

The Special Constabulary has continued to provide crucial support to policing teams across Surrey over the last year. Surrey’s special constables collectively volunteered over 42,000 hours in 2022/23.

Most special constables are integrated within Neighbourhood Policing Teams and Safer Neighbourhood Teams, providing valuable support to help ensure their communities are safe and feel safe. In addition to these core roles, special constables also volunteer in specialist areas such as roads policing, drone piloting, public order and professional standards.

Politsei toetab vabatahtlikke

Police Support Volunteers can be found within policing teams across the county and the Force continues to develop new opportunities. During the last year, Surrey Police has welcomed new volunteers into roles including vehicle maintenance, safer neighbourhoods, fraud prevention, chaplaincy and the newly formed Ethics Committee. The Community Events Team of volunteers continues to provide a police presence at events across Surrey, providing positive engagement with communities.

Vabatahtlikud politseikadetid

Surrey’s Volunteer Police Cadet Scheme offers young people a safe environment in which they can learn new skills, develop positive relationships with the police and actively support their community.

Young people from any background are welcomed into the scheme, including those who may have previously been in trouble with the police or may feel disconnected from their peers or community.

Cadets commit to a programme of learning and volunteering activity within their communities. Over the last year, Cadets have supported charity, community and policing events across the county and have continued to support police-led test purchase operations by attempting to purchase age-restricted items such as knives and alcohol.


Over the last year, the Force has offered short-term volunteering options such as work experience and placements which provide a unique insight into policing. Due to the popularity and success of these opportunities, they will be integrated into the Force’s volunteering programme in the future.


Oma kogukonna valvamine – volinik ütleb, et pärast maakonnaliinide mahasurumist hakkavad politseimeeskonnad võitlema narkojõukudega

Politsei- ja kriminaalasjade komissar Lisa Townsend jälgib välisuksest, kuidas Surrey politseinikud täidavad korraldust kinnisvaras, mis on seotud võimaliku maakonnaliinide narkoäriga.

Tegevusnädal saadab maakonnaliinide jõugudele tugeva sõnumi, et politsei jätkab Surreys oma võrkude lammutamist.

Miljonite naelsterlingi suurune antisotsiaalse käitumise mahasurumine, kuna volinik saab raha levialade patrullide jaoks

Politsei- ja kriminaalvolinik kõndimas läbi grafitiga kaetud tunneli koos kahe meespolitseinikuga Spelthorne'i kohalikust meeskonnast

Volinik Lisa Townsend ütles, et raha aitab suurendada politsei kohalolekut ja nähtavust Surreys.

Volinik tervitab 999 ja 101 kõnedele vastamisaegade märkimisväärset paranemist – kuna saavutatakse parimad tulemused

Politsei- ja kriminaalkomissar Lisa Townsend istus koos Surrey politsei kontaktpersonali liikmega

Komissar Lisa Townsend ütles, et ooteajad Surrey politseiga numbritel 101 ja 999 on nüüd Force rekordi madalaimad.