
Kommissærens udtalelse efter at 15-årig dreng blev angrebet på Farncombe Railway Station

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend has issued the following statement after a schoolboy was injured in an attack at Farncombe Railway Station.

Læs Lisas udtalelse nedenfor:

Commissioner Lisa Townsend said: “This was a shocking assault which has left a teenage boy with serious injuries. I appreciate the concern this may have caused for residents in Farncombe and across Waverley.

“As this incident took place within the train station’s grounds, the investigation is being led by the British Transport Police (BTP). However, our local Surrey Police teams are working closely with their BTP colleagues and there have been extra officers in the Farncombe area to provide reassurance to the local community.

“The investigation into the circumstances is ongoing. Two arrests have been made and both people currently remain in police custody.

“I have been in touch with South West Surrey MP Jeremy Hunt and have offered any assistance my office can give in providing support to the local community at this time.
“If anyone has any information relating to this incident they are asked to contact the British Transport Police by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.”

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