
Declaració sobre una agressió racial greu a l'exterior de l'escola Thomas Knyvett

Després del serious racially aggravated assault outside Thomas Knyvett School in Ashford on Monday, February 6, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend has released the following statement:

“Like everyone else, I was sickened by the video footage of this incident and I can understand the concern and anger this has caused for both the community in Ashford and beyond.

“This was an appalling assault on two young girls outside their own school, and I am as anxious as anyone to see justice done in this case for the victims and their families.

“Surrey Police has had more than 50 officers and staff working on the investigation and providing visible reassurance in the local area where I know the local community are understandably shocked about the attack.

“I have been kept updated by senior officers in the Force and I know how incredibly hard the police teams have been working this week to gather as much evidence as they can so that charges can be brought and this case put before the courts.

“The investigation has been swift but thorough and the Force is engaging closely with the Crown Prosecution Service to ensure that the evidence passes the threshold for a prosecution in this case.

“I understand this process can be frustrating but I want to reassure everyone that our police teams are doing everything possible to secure justice.

“Whilst this investigation remains live, I would ask people to be patient and allow the police to continue their enquiries so that the right outcome can be achieved in this case.

“I would also like to echo Surrey Police’s plea to the public to stop sharing these distressing videos of the incident online at what must be a really difficult time for the victims and their families.

“This is not only out of respect for them and the trauma they are going through but is also important to protect any future court proceedings.”

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