Mesurar el rendiment

Treballant amb les comunitats de Surrey perquè se sentin segurs

My commitment is to make certain that every resident feels secure within their local community. To achieve this goal, I believe in collaborating and taking early measures to address the common factors that result in individuals coming into contact with the police and the criminal justice system. This approach will aid in decreasing crime rates and anti-social behaviour and will have a positive impact on victim outcomes.

El comissari de policia i criminalitat caminant per un túnel cobert de grafitis amb dos agents de policia masculins de l'equip local a Spelthorne

Avenços clau durant el 2022/23: 

  • Shining a light on anti-social behaviour: In March I launched a county-wide survey in Surrey to better understand the impact and experiences of anti-social behaviour (ASB). The survey was an essential component of our Anti-Social Behaviour Plan, which prioritises the views of residents and uses their feedback to improve services. The initial data was used to support resident focus groups and will identify areas of focus for policing.
  • Ensuring a unified response to community safety: In May we ran the county’s first-ever Community Safety Assembly, bringing together a wide range of partner organisations from across Surrey. The event marked the launch of a new Community Safety Agreement, a shared vision of how all local agencies will work together to improve community safety, by enhancing the support for individuals affected by crime or at risk of harm, reducing inequalities and strengthening collaboration between different services.
  • Meaningful engagement with young people: My team has worked with the organisation ‘Leader’s Unlocked’ to establish a Youth Commission on Policing and Crime in Surrey. The Commission is made up of young people aged between 14-25 years old, who will help my office and Surrey Police to include the priorities of children and young people in policing Surrey. It is overseen by my Deputy Commissioner Ellie Vesey-Thompson, as part of her focus on enhancing the opportunities and support for young people in Surrey. In the last year, we have ringfenced almost half of my Community Safety Fund for this purpose and Ellie has continued to visit and take part in a range of activities with young people across the county.
  • Making funding available to communities: My Community Safety Fund supports services which improve safety in Surrey’s neighbourhoods. With it, we promote joint working and effective partnerships across the county. During 2022/23 we have made available almost £400,000 from this funding stream, supporting numerous community safety initiatives.

explorar més dades sobre el progrés de la policia de Surrey respecte a aquesta prioritat.

Últimes notícies

Lisa Townsend elogia l'enfocament policial de "torn als bàsics" mentre guanya el segon mandat com a comissària de policia i delictes de Surrey

Lisa Townsend, comissària de policia i criminalitat

Lisa es va comprometre a continuar donant suport a l'enfocament renovat de la policia de Surrey en els problemes que més importen als residents.

Controlant la vostra comunitat: el comissari diu que els equips policials estan lluitant contra les bandes de narcotraficants després d'unir-se a la repressió de les línies del comtat

La comissària de policia i criminalitat, Lisa Townsend, observa des d'una porta principal com els agents de la policia de Surrey executen una ordre en una propietat relacionada amb el possible tràfic de drogues de les línies del comtat.

La setmana d'acció envia un fort missatge a les bandes de les línies del comtat que la policia continuarà desmantellant les seves xarxes a Surrey.

Repressió de milions de lliures contra el comportament antisocial mentre el comissari rep finançament per a patrulles de punts d'accés

El comissari de policia i criminalitat caminant per un túnel cobert de grafitis amb dos agents de policia masculins de l'equip local a Spelthorne

La comissària Lisa Townsend va dir que els diners ajudaran a augmentar la presència policial i la visibilitat a tot Surrey.