Registre de la Decisió 31/2021 – Ús de la Reserva OPCC

Comissionat de policia i delictes de Surrey: registre de presa de decisions

Report Title: Use of OPCC Reserve

Número de decisió: 31/2021

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – OPCC CFO

Marcatge de protecció: OFICIAL

Resum executiu:

To use part of the OPCC Reserves to fund additional costs subsequent to the setting of the budget for 2021/22


The OPCC budget was agreed in February 2021 prior to the PCC elections. Since then the PCC has decided to provide additional resource for the following areas:

Descripció quantitat Nota
Deputy PCC £70k Inc. on costs Following Government’s statement that they intend to require a deputy PCC to be appointed the PCC has decided to put one in place
Strategic Comms 30 milers de lliures esterlines To provide strategic advice to the OPCC to advise on communication with the public and Government
Assessorament immobiliari 25 milers de lliures esterlines To provide independent property advice to the PCC
Analista 25 milers de lliures esterlines To provide information and analysis for the PCC


This funding is for this year only. If they are required beyond that then they will be included within the 21/22 budget process.

As at the 31st March 2021, subject to audit, the OPCC Operational Reserve had a balance of £1.150m.


It is recommended that the PCC transfers £150k from the OPCC Operational Reserve to the 21/22 OPCC Budget

Aprovació del comissari de policia i criminalitat

Aprovo les recomanacions:

Signatura: còpia de la signatura humida disponible a OPCC

Data: 19 de juliol de 2021

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